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It was right after breakfast. I was heading to my first class, Math. I'm good at math, does that mean I like it? No, no it doesn't.
I walked into the classroom, looking around, I saw no one there. I was early, nice. The teacher wasn't here yet, we had about 15 minutes till she came.
"Hey, you know, people usually walk into the classroom when they arrive." Was heard in a low whisper in my ear, again.
It scared the shit out of me.
I jumped, spinning around. I already knew who it was.
Just a few inches in front of me, stood Monodude. Great, we're in the same class.
"Hey, you know, people usually don't creep up on others." I retorted, smiling.
He started pouting.
"Awwwwww, really? But it's so fun making you blush~"
"S-shut up." I said, looking away in embarrassment.
I swiftly turned around, walking to my seat.
Without hesitation, I slid down the chair slightly, putting my knees to my chest on the chair. I took out my phone and started playing time-waste games.
In the corner of my eye, I saw him walk across the classroom and sit behind me.
"Soooo, tell me, Y/n. Do you have a Boyfriend?"
I heard behind me.
I snorted.
"Why do you ask, Monodude?"
"Just curious."
"Ah, I see. Nah, I don't."
"Hmmmm, and why's that?" He continued.
"Well, the boys at this school aren't exactly my 'type'. Plus, I'm not exactly that exited about dating anyone." I replied.
"I bet I can change your mind.." i heard, behind me. Wait...did I hear that right?
"What?" I turned around.
"What?" He said as well. Looking at me, smirking.
I suspiciously raised an eyebrow, turning back around in my seat. I got back to my game.

Time skipppppeeee. Brought to you by......my puppy, Ducati. Must protec.

We were in the middle of class. I was lazily listening to our teacher blather on about perimeter and area of triangle. I knew this already.
I then got a tap on my shoulder, I looked over to Miu, who sat on my right. I really didn't like her, but starting a fight in class would get me detention.
She silently passed me a folded piece of paper.
I opened it up.
It read; 'hey, boney, that guy behind you is hot af. Do you know him?' (I'm sorry, I couldn't think of a mean nickname)
I rolled my eyes and took out a pen. I wrote 'yeah, sure. I've only talked to him about once or twice.' And threw it back.
I received it again after a few seconds.
'Just looking at him is making me wetter by the second! Can you talk to him for me?'
I rolled my eyes again. But, reading that made something very faintly boil inside me.
I wrote back and through the paper back again.
'Tmi, dude... and yeah, whatever makes you stop talking.'
Suddenly, she squealed.
"Yay! Thanks Y/n!!" She yelled,
Alerting the teacher instantly.
"Miu, shut up!" I urged, quietly.
The teacher turned around and looked at her.
"It was Y/n! She was talking to me." Miu pointed time me.
I honestly expected this. I put my hand an the bridge of my nose, shaking my head in disappointment.
"Yeah, whatever, sure." I said, done with her.
"Y/n L/n, Detention." She handed me a pink slip. I took it, not caring.
Suddenly I heard speaking behind me.
"Uh, miss. Sorry to interrupt, but I just couldn't hold it in any longer. You look like an old lady picked out your clothing." Mono said.
-This idiot-
"Dude, why?!" I exclaimed, turning around to face him.
"Because I felt like it." He spoke.
The teacher had anger written all over her face.
"Mr. Monokuma, Detention for you too." She said, handing him a pink slip too.
He took it, smirking.
"Perfect, I'm actually free this afternoon."
I turned back around, shaking my head in disappointment as well.

Another time skipppppe. Brought to you by my cat, Pepsi. She's sleeping with me. Nice.

I sat in detention, mr. Mono behind me. With some other students.
"Alright, nobody move. I'm gonna go run an errand." The teacher said, leaving the room.
A couple minutes later, we heard a crash.
"Huh? What was that?!" I said.
I then felt someone's hand on my wrist, pulling on it.
"That's our cue to leave."
I looked up to see Mono beside me, with a smirk, pulling me out of my chair.
"What? Did you do that?!" I asked, getting up slightly.
"Maybe." He kept smirking, pulling me out of the classroom.
I playfully scoffed.
"Oh my god." I smiled slightly.
He lead me out of the classroom and into the halls. On the way, I saw the teacher with her eyes shut tight, stumbling and trying to find her way to the classroom. I couldn't help it, I stifled a laugh.
I followed Monokuma out of the school, he then took me to the middle of the field.
Once he stopped and let go of my wrist, I plopped myself onto the grass, my legs spread out.
"Okay, I had my doubts about you but...that, was hilarious. What did you do?" I said, half smiling.
"Well, a little glitter sparkle bomb does the job pretty well." He said, pulling out a little pink, glittery ball from his pocket.
I gaped, smiling at the same time.
"Oh my god, that- I can't- like-" I laughed, trying to make sense of this monochrome's manz.
"Any other person would have done a stink bomb or, locked her in a classroom or something! But you, you, a pink glitter bomb. I'll be damned." I said through my laughs.
"That is great."
"What can I say, I like to think outside of the box. And this right here.." he through the pink ball up and down.
"...is an original creation." He smirked.
"Well no shit." I said, smiling as well.
I groaned and fell backwards onto my back and looked at the sky.
I felt him come and lay next to me.
"Hey, hey, tell me that cloud doesn't look like a lizard with a tea cup." I said, pointing at a cloud.
"Yeah, it does. But that one looks like a guitar in the shape of a grape." He responded.
I laughed.
"Yeah, you're right." I said.
I then looked over at him, and I noticed all of his features, again. He is cute af.
I caught myself staring, but sadly, he caught me too.
"You know, I think you're really pretty." He said, staring at me.
Eye contact, oh how I love eye contact.
"Pffff, yeah, pretty for a rat."
"The prettiest rat I'd ever seen." He replied.
He then picked a tiny yellow flower from beside him and handed it to me.
"For thee, malady."
"Oh, why thank you." I said smiling, putting a hand to my heart and taking the flower.
I started laughing a little and he did too.
We continued names weird ass cloud shapes for the next hour or so. The entire time, I felt really happy. Not like with Natsuko and Ibuki, it was different. I kept getting a weird felling in my stomach when he looked at me. But at the same time, it was a warm and floaty feeling. This is complicated.

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