Long Distance Relationship

Start from the beginning

Not to add how they kept on bringing up a talk about her relationship status every single time during an interview. And in which Zaia denied or rather motionlessly just stare rather rudely at the reporters with a look of boredom as she chose not to speak about it.

I won't admit it though it kind of bothered me for a bit

I mean... why won't she just say that she's in a relationship and is happy and such so they would stop pestering her.

Yeah like she'd blurt out such a thing. I am aware where she's coming from and I completely understand that she was trying to protect me by waiting for the right time to expose me and our relationship to the limelight and taking caution of what's to come once I was out of the bag.

She's just such a worry wart... but those we're a part of her that I love the most about her, well everything about her.

Shaking my head out of my train of thought I continue to observe the machines and the monitors attached to my superior's anothee comatose patient as I note down objectively on my clipboard for a new report about this guy's improvement.

It was already the end of my fifth year as a medical student by the way

"You've been working harder lately."

I was met by the frown of Mrs. Alberts, my superior, the second I step foot inside her office

I halted for a moment contemplating what to say, the truth or a lie, but it seemed that she caught on what I was thinking and gave me a straight flat look

Sighing defeatedly I set down the clipboard neatly at the pile of white files on the left side of her desk before sitting down on an unoccupied chair infront of her

"It's just about Zaia... she hadn't been contacting me back lately" I rasp leaning my elbows to my knees as I take off my glasses to rub my eyelids tiredly "I understand that she's a very busy with her own business but I... I'm just worried"

I look back to my superior now with a small smile tugging at the sides of her lips

"Aww You're worrying about your girlfriend... how cute!" She gushed before a half hearted somber look take over her features "I just wish my husband was a lot sweeter like you. He should leearn a thing or two from you my boy... he's just hopeless" she sighed wiping an invisible tear dramatically

Blowing out a chuckle I watch as her gentle mother like eyes crinkle in worry as she get serious

"But in a serious note dear... It was just a thought, no.. a rumor but LDR never lasts long is what youth seem to qoute" my smile wavered at that and upon noticing this she shook her head before smiling sadly at me "but I do believe that communicating between couples is the key to an even stronger relationship.."

Flashing her a strained yet grateful smile I stood up from my chair and left out of the room after bidding her a quiet farewell.

I'm not that stupid of course I knew the second she boarded her jet that it won't be the same anymore, I've known the second she was officially announced as the new CEO of Maxforge Inc, that it'll be difficuly for the both of us.

It'll be difficult... It is dufficult...I'm very much aware.. and I'm sure Zaia's aware of that too.

But did she ever hesitate about the idea of us? No... she never did.

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