Chapter 2

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"You can say what you want, but the nuclear catastrophe sure has a good side to it too: nature finally got the chance to recover properly from everything we did to it", Nate pointed out. Behrad nodded. Zari was trying to keep up with the group while turning in circles to take everything in. All three of them have been in awe ever since they stepped out of the time ship. Charlie and Ava had been overwhelmed in the beginning too, but they had been better at hiding it. Sara who had lived on an island and with the League of Assassins for years enjoyed being back in a forest surrounded by trees without the sounds of people, cars, or cities in the distance.

John and Mick didn't seem to care too much. They were just following the rest of the group. Astra hadn't seen this many trees for years. There weren't any trees in hell. If there were, she hadn't seen them. And upon the ground, she had barely seen anything except for the Waverider and the inside of the house that she had been living in when they had been stuck in TV shows. So this was a very new and strangely exciting experience for her. But she didn't dare to show that to anyone, not even John, as they might see it as a weakness.

They kept walking like that for a while, taking everything in, and comparing it to what they had seen on their Earth. Mick was checking his gun. John tried to make small-talk with Astra who was more interested in her surroundings and who was increasingly getting annoyed by the warlock. Ava was talking to Charlie.

Sara was the only one who was cautious and who was paying attention to her surroundings for more than just nature's beauty. She had become a little suspicious soon after they had left the Waverider. At first, it had just been a gut feeling which had soon been accompanied by small details on the ground like footprints or marks on trees that looked like they had been made by humans. She might be mistaken, but as long as she didn't know for sure she would be on lookout just in case she was right. That's why she noticed the group of men and was able to warn the others.

Those men were good. She had barely been able to notice them, even though she had been trained to be an assassin or, as she put it herself during one of their missions, basically a ninja.

Her warning had thrown everyone but Mick and John off for a second. They had been so busy admiring everything that they had completely blended out everything else. Mick whose gun had already been out, held it up right away and aimed it at a hole between two trees next to him. Nate was about to steel up while complaining that Gideon had told them no-one survived and Behrad brought his hand up to his wristband, but Sara stopped them. "Wait! We don't know what they want! Let's try to talk to them first."

Behrad lowered his hand slowly while looking around. Everybody else had turned in the direction that Sara was facing. They were trying to make out those men that Sara had been talking about, but they couldn't see anything. "Noone is there, Sara", Ava said carefully. She didn't want to say something wrong and upset her girlfriend. Sara stared intensely at a spot behind a bush, but nothing moved. Did she hallucinate those men? Could these be a repercussion of her losing the powers that she had accidentally gotten from Charlie's sister? She could have sworn that she had seen at least three people moments ago. She looked away and started walking again. Everybody else followed her with confused looks on their faces

 Ava quickly caught up to Sara and asked her if she was alright. Sara didn't answer. The former director of the Time Bureau was a little worried about her girlfriend. At the same time, she knew that Sara was usually right in situations like these.

Meanwhile, the group of hunters dared to breathe again. They had underestimated those strangers and had nearly been caught. On top of that, the group's reaction had confused them. They exchanged silent glances and began to follow the group again. They would have to be more careful from now on. The strangers were visibly uneasy. Even though they hadn't seen anyone, they still kept sending glances to their sides regularly. The woman who seemed to be their leader might have been wrong this time, but considering the group's sudden attention to their surroundings and the raised level of tension that the group was displaying now, she usually never was.

Both groups kept this up for a few more minutes before the legends decided to turn around and head back. They wanted to get to the Waverider before it got dark.

There weren't any more incidents on both sides on the way back except for one time when John's coat got stuck in a bush and they couldn't get it back out for a few minutes. They had nearly reached the Waverider when they stopped in their tracks. They could hear voices nearby. There were two in particular that stood out. Both were female. One spoke in a weird language that none of the legends could identify or understand. But the other one definitely spoke English.

"Looks like you were right before, Sara", Nate whispered. Sara ignored him. Instead, she gave the others a signal to stay where they were and disappeared without a sound between the trees.

The hunters had gathered in a group hidden from the strangers behind some bushes and were debating what to do now. They decided that someone should go and warn Indra. She had a very loud and distinct voice which they had recognized easily. Suddenly, one of the men pointed at the strangers and interrupted everyone by saying that the group was splitting up. Indeed, the stranger's leader looked like she was leaving the group and going towards Indra's voice. The hunters quickly split up. One man left to warn Indra, another one followed the strangers' leader. Everyone else stayed to watch the strangers. 

Indra was talking to one of her warriors when the hunter approached her. "Heya indra, ai en ai lukoti don hon kru op in de trimani." (Hello Indra, me and my friends found people in the forest.)"

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