Chapter 23

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Clarke felt a little weak when she woke up. Her whole body was hurting. She tried to lift her head while opening her eyes slightly and gave up right away. Her head felt like it weight a ton and the light was too bright for her eyes. She opened her eyes a bit and blinked rapidly trying to let them adjust to the light. Once she could see properly, she saw that she was still in the med bay. She turned her head and looked over to Lexa. Her face seemed to have more color than the last time that she had seen her.

Suddenly, she realized that Lexa's eyes were open and her head was turned towards her. The Commander was awake!

Clarke opened her mouth trying to say something but couldn't get a word out. She heard someone on her other side. She turned her head and saw Raven standing next to her. She wanted to ask Raven how long she had been sleeping and how long Lexa had been awake and a bunch of other questions that she couldn't ask, because her throat was too dry. Raven held a bottle of water up to her mouth and let her drink some water while she explained, "You have been asleep for a little more than a day. You were very weak after the transfusion. The Commander has woken up for the first time about three hours ago. She had been drifting in and out of sleep ever since. You are lucky to catch her when she is awake."

Before Clarke managed to ask anything, she fell asleep again.

Astra and Zari were trying their best to keep the grounders from attacking each other, but they were running out of excuses as to why the Commander was currently unavailable and they had heard about a rumor among the grounders that the Commander was dead. The others had been gone for nearly three days now.

Both women were in the Commander's bedroom, trying to make the grounders believe that they were talking to the Commander while they were actually talking about what else they could do. Suddenly, they heard yelling from outside the room. It sounded like a group of angry grounders was making their way towards the Commander's room. The noise got louder and louder until it reached its peak right in front of the bedroom door. After a few seconds, loud banging on the door suggested that the guards that had been posted outside of the door had either joined the crowd or, more likely, been taken out.

Zari and Astra looked at each other with frightened expressions. "What do we do now?", Zari asked.

"I have no idea", Astra replied while slowly backing away from the door with Zari.

The door was surprisingly strong and kept the angry crowd out for ten solid seconds, but then the wood started to give in. Just as the door finally gave in and the first few grounders came running into the room, someone walked past Zari and Astra. The person was followed by two other people. It took them a moment to recognize them as the Commander in the front and Clarke and Sara behind her.

"Em pleni!(Enough!)", the powerful voice of the grounders' leader stopped the crowd in their tracks. The grounders shifted uncomfortably when she looked at them. She then turned around to Zari and Astra and asked them what was going on here. They explained the situation to her and then went over to their captain.

They watched the Commander talk to some individual people and while the group disbanded slowly. Most of them tried to get away without the Commander noticing them.

"How did you manage to save her?", Zari asked Sara. The blonde gave them a very short summary of what had happened. Astra stared at Clarke and the Commander. Both of them tried to look strong, but as she looked more closely, she could see that both of them seemed tired.

By now, everyone of the grounder who had stormed the Commander's room had left. The grounders' leader had called the guards over and was talking to them. They looked a beat up. One of them was getting a bruise on his left cheek. The other one's eye was swollen.

As soon as the guards left and the doors fell shut behind them, the Commander went over to her bed and sat down.

Clarke sat down next to her and made sure the she was alright.

Sara left them alone and returned onto the Waverider that had been disguised so the rest of the grounders wouldn't see it, with the rest of the team. She wanted to give them some privacy and she also needed to discuss with the rest of the team what they were going to do now.

They gathered on the bridge. Raven joined them there.

"What now, captain?" Nate and the rest of the team turned to face Sara.

Their leader looked at Raven and asked her what would be the best place to drop her off.

The mechanic wanted to return to Skaikru. She did however also recognize that this was a very risky decision as Pike would possibly accuse her of conspiring with the enemy. They might think that she is a traitor and they would most definitely have questions about what had happened. She couldn't really tell them that she had helped to save their enemy's life. Instead, Nate suggested that she could ask Clarke for her help to come up with a cover story.

"Now that that's settled, I think that it is time for us to return home", Sara announced.

"But we can't just leave now!", Nate objected. "They will need our help if they have to fight Skaikru!"

Ava spoke up, "From what I have seen, it doesn't look like the Commander wants a war. Our stay may be the straw that breaks the camel's back and starts a war. All of us know perfectly well how chaotic this team can be."

Sara agreed with her. "However bad this makes me feel, I think that it is better to let the events play out without our interference."

Nate nodded discontentedly.

"When are you leaving?", Raven wanted to know.

Sara looked at her team and answered, "We will wait for the Commander and Clarke to make full recoveries. Then we will leave."

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