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Those had been a hard couple of weeks. Turns out that saving the world and everyone's fate was pretty hard. They really needed a break. The legends were spread out all over the Waverider. Mick was in his room having a video call with his daughter while drinking beer. Astra and John Constantine were having a heated discussion in the library. Nate, Zari, and Behrad were eating and talking which was accompanied by a lot of laughter. Charlie was in her room lost in her thoughts and remembering all the good times that she has had with this crazy group. She had to tell them that she was going to leave them, but she was nervous about it. The group had become her family and she would miss them, but she also needed to settle down for once and have a "normal" life. She couldn't do that on the Waverider. Sara and Ava were chatting in the captain's office.
Suddenly, the Waverider started to shake and make loud noises that suggested nothing good. Everyone rushed to the bridge and grabbed something to hold on to. Nate asked what happened. Mick answered bored, "Sounds like the ship is broken." Sara interrupted further questions by asking Gideon what's wrong. The AI answered with her British accent that a pipe had broken in the engine room. Sara turned towards Behrad and told him to go and fix it. He nodded and moved towards the door while barely being able to stay on his feet on the still shaking floor. "Everyone else: strap in. This is gonna be a bumpy ride." Sara didn't look back when she half stumbled, half walked to the captain's seat, and strapped in herself.

The green light of the temporal zone got reflected on the captain's face as she tried to listen to an update from Behrad and steady the ship at the same time. Suddenly, the ship stopped shaking violently. Instead, it started moving forward and upward as if it were getting pulled up by something. The Waverider was about to break through the borders of the temporal zone when something large like a light green tornado came into view right before the time ship got sucked into it. Then, they started falling.

They weren't in the temporal zone anymore. Sara tried to steady the Waverider and stop it from falling, but it kept dropping. They were about a mile above the ground when the ship finally slowed down and steadied. Right at that moment, Behrad joined the rest of the group and sat down in an empty seat. Charlie was the first to say something, "What the hell was that?!" Noone replied. Instead, Ava who has been looking out of the window, asked confused: "Where are we?" Nate added, "This doesn't look like any place on Earth around or after 2000. Could be some forest in Europe, Asia, or North America centuries before 2000 judging by the enormous size of the forest and the fact that a lot of the trees are conifers. Maybe Middle Age."

Excitement was spreading in the group. One of their many missions had been at Camelot once where they had made some friends and had had a good time overall if the battle against Damian Darkh, bad Rip Hunter, and a small army of mind-controlled knights was being ignored. Sara simply said: "Gideon?" The AI answered right away. "This is not the Middle Age. It's the year 2150 and this is the US."

Everyone stared outside. Behrad asked the obvious question: "Since when and how are there this many trees in the future?" Ava had a more worrying question: "What happened to the people?" Gideon answered: "There has been a nuclear catastrophe here about a hundred years ago. Noone survived." "How could this happen? We have been to the future several times and there hadn't been any nuclear catastrophes then", Sara said. Behrad furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait, doesn't that also mean that there is radiation everywhere?" Gideon explained, "Don't worry, Mr. Tarazi, I have calculated that you should be able to survive because you adapted to the radiation in the temporal zone." Astra said something for the first time, "There is radiation in the temporal zone?" No one answered her question. Charlie just wanted to know how they even got here.

Nate looked at the captain who had turned around in her seat after she had stabilized the ship. "What are we going to do now?" Behrad announced that he wanted to explore the place and maybe find clues on what exactly had happened to avoid it from happening later or earlier, to be exact. After a short discussion, Sara decided that they were going to follow Behrad's suggestion. The ship needed repairs before going anywhere or anytime, to be exact, anyway. So Sara found a clear spot to land. As soon as they touched down, Behrad and Nate jumped up excitedly. Everyone else followed less enthusiastically. They went towards the cargo bay where they opened the ramp. Then, they stepped outside led by Sara. She didn't leave anyone to protect the ship, because no one was here apart from the legends anyway. She did disguise the ship though to not leave it here fully exposed. Sara wanted to leave Behrad here at first so he could fix the ship while they were gone. But he begged her to come with them and fix the ship afterward. She gave in eventually as she wasn't in the mood to fight.

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