Chapter 24

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About two days later, the legends, Clarke, the Commander and a few of her warriors found themselves on a lighting not for away from Polis. The Waverider was behind the legends with the ramp lowered to the ground.

The legends had already dropped Raven and that other guy, called Murphy, off with a cover story that Clarke, Raven and Nate had come up with. She had unsuccessfully tried to find out where the legends were really from and had even jokingly asked Charlie at one point whether they were time-travelers not knowing how close she was to the truth.

The Commander walked towards the legends. Their captain met her about halfway. They both didn't quite know what to say at first.

Then, the Commander spoke up, "You people are a colorful and strange bunch, but I owe you my life. I still don't quite understand where you are from, but you are welcome anywhere on coalition territory as long as I am the Commander."

"Thank you and it was an honor to meet you, Commander. Too bad that we never got to do our fight", Sara said in return.

The Commander nodded. "I would have liked that too."

"One more thing", Sara said more quietly. "Life is too short to spend it on waiting for something to happen or to change. For a long time, I thought that I was too broken to be happy and I would have to stay alone forever." Sara looked back over her shoulder to Ava and smiled a little. Then, she turned back to face the Commander again. "Don't make the same mistake." She leaned a little to her right and looked past the Commander to Clarke. The brunette followed her gaze and shrugged a little. "Trust me", Sara continued, "It's OK to want something sometimes."

"It's not that simple. She is Skaikru", the Commander explained, "and I would put her in danger." The tone in her voice suggested that there was more to what she had just said than Sara knew.

"She may not be a grounder like you and your people, but she is also staying in Polis with you."

The Commander didn't say anything.

Sara added. "And I don't know what has happened before, but from what I have seen, she is already constantly in danger. She is not defenseless though and she seems to be handling it fine. I don't think that you would put her in more danger than she is already in."

The Commander was quiet for a moment. Then, she stretched her right arm out and grabbed Sara right forearm. The latter, in return, held the grounder's forearm. "Thank you, Sara and in true Skaikru fashion: May we meet again."

They locked eyes for a moment and Sara replied, "May we meet again, Lexa."

With that, they let go of each other turned around and walked away from each other. Sara walked over to the team, turned around one more time to look back at the other party of the meeting, lifted her hand as a final goodbye and led her team up onto the time-ship.

The ship flew up into the air and rose higher and higher. Then, it sped up suddenly and the ship was gone.

Clarke followed the ship with her eyes until it was gone. Then, she looked at Lexa. She was curious what the legends' captain had told her especially after both of them had suspiciously looked at her during their conversation.

"I believe that we need to talk when we get back to the tower", the grounder whispered into Clarke's ear. Lexa's breath tickled the blonde's ear.

"We do?", Clarke asked surprised.

"Well that was quite the experience", Behrad declared while opening his safety bar and getting out of his seat after the Waverider stopped moving.

"They didn't have anything good to steal", Mick complained.

The team stared at him. He had thrown them off a little.

Ava shook her head. "Anyways, it's nice to be back in a more civilized time." She was quiet for a moment, then she added, "I guess the 2020 is not necessarily more civilized, but at least people here live in actual houses and not ruins and huts."

"You know we still haven't managed to go where we were originally planning to go, before we ended up in a future that seems more like a step back for humanity that a step forward", Charlie noticed.

"Can't we stop the catastrophe from happening, so this never ends up happening?", Zari asked.

"How are we going to stop a nuclear catastrophe that happened on the whole planet?", Nate responded.

"The other question would be whether we should do something about it. As bad as it sounds, it's not like all people end up dying and something like this would have happened sooner or later anyways. We won't always be able to stop it from happening", Astra replied and earned shocked stares from some of the legends.

"I know that this sounds really bad, but Astra is right, it's just a matter of time. It's also not really our job to change events that have not been caused by displacements of people in time, encores or anachronisms", Charlie supported Astra's statement. 

"I am still wondering why only I could have done the transfusion", Behrad revealed in an attempt to change the topic.

"Well, Zari and Astra were obviously not here and Astra lived in hell for years. Who knows what might have happened to her there. John isn't exactly living a healthy lifestyle, same as Mick. It was better to not risk anything with their blood. Nate can turn into steel. That one is self-explanatory", Ava pointed out. "Charlie is not even an actual human. Or at least she didn't used to be and Sara has died more times than anyone else here or anywhere else, probably." She was quiet for a moment and looked at her girlfriend.

"And Ava has not exactly been born naturally", Sara explained carefully while making eye contact with Ava.

"But I died too", Behrad stated matter-of-factly.

"That is true, but your heart just stopped beating once it had lost its soul. Nothing ever actually happened to your body apart from that and your heart simply started beating again once Charlie returned your soul back to your body", Gideon told him.

As the group disbanded and everyone left the bridge, Sara got a glass of whiskey in her office and sat down. Ava followed her.

"Are you ready now to tell me what was really wrong the other day?"

Sara sighed and stared down into her glass. "Seeing the Commander lying there, helplessly, on the table without me being able to do anything reminded me of Laurel and my dad", she said with a slightly shaky voice. She took a sip of whiskey and continued, "It reminded me of how helpless my dad looked on that table in the hospital. How his skin was unnaturally white and I could not do anything. I had to stand there and could just look at him. I couldn't save either one of them." A tear ran down her cheek and dropped into her glass.

Ava grabbed the glass and carefully pulled it out of Sara's hand. She placed it on a table and, not knowing what she could say to make her feel better, pulled Sara into a comforting hug.

"We have a problem!", Nate yelled while sprinting onto the bridge. Sara and Ava let go of each other immediately, Sara wiped her cheeks dry with her hand and both women joined him at Gideon's table. The rest of the team arrived within a minute as well.

"This is not how we left the Earth in 2021", Nate tried to explain, not sure how to bring them the news.

"What do you mean?", Sara asked him impatiently.

"Well", he started, "there is no Star City."

Everyone stared at him in disbelief.

"What?!", several people said.

"I checked. Star City doesn't exist here or at least not the Star City that we know. There is one in Arkansas apparently which doesn't really help us. It's the same with Central City, Metropolis, Gotham and National City." Nate was waiting for someone to say something.

When no-one said anything, he added, "I also looked for any mentions of the Green Arrow, the Flash, Superman, Supergirl, Batman or any other heroes that we know. Nothing. It's as if they never existed here!"

The other legends needed some time to process the new information.

"Gideon?!", Sara yelled.

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