Chapter 3

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As soon as the hunter had alerted her, Indra called Clarke over. She told her everything the grounder had told her. Clarke furrowed her brows. Who could those people be? They were definitely not from the Ark. Instead of voicing her thoughts, she agreed to Indra's suggestion to stop their search for now as they hadn't been successful yet anyway and focus on those strangers.

The warriors, Indra, and Clarke gathered in a group and followed the hunter who led the way through the forest. They hadn't been walking for long when the hunter signaled them to be quiet. They were getting close. Clarke was very self-conscious as she was very much aware of the fact that she was the loudest one in the group.

The legends did only have to wait for a few minutes till the return of their captain. She told them that she had seen six people and another man who looked like he was one of the people who she had seen earlier. Five of them looked like warriors and the other one was a woman with very blonde hair who might be their leader, but she wasn't sure, because one of the warriors looked like she was in charge too. "What are we going to do now?", Behrad wanted to know, saying out loud what everyone had been wondering. Everyone turned their heads to look at their captain. She announced that they had to make sure that no-one found the Waverider. Then she told Ava and Behrad to go to the ship and make sure that it's not being found. Everyone else would stay together and lead the people she had seen previously, away from the ship. She ordered Ava and Behrad to stay with the time ship and wait for the others. If something happened, they were to tell her about it via their earpieces which Behrad had brought just like Sara had told him before they had left the ship. Ava and Sara kissed quickly while the team started to discuss what they imagined the people here to look and be like. "Be careful and don't do anything reckless!", Ava warned Sara. Both of them thought back to the zombie attack where both of them had died only to end up in a fake Star Trek TV show.

Ava and Behrad had just left the group when Sara noticed someone not far away from them. She was sure that she had gotten a glimpse of bright blonde behind one of the bushes. She motioned for the rest of the legends to follow her then she marched away from the Waverider. Charlie caught up to her and asked her if she had seen someone again. She nodded and scanned the spot where she had seen the blonde hair subconsciously.

Clarke knew that she wasn't as quiet as the grounders. Indra didn't have to rub it in by staring at her every time that she made another sound. It didn't help that the leader of the group of strangers had looked in her direction before she had managed to hide behind a bush. She was sure that she had seen her because that woman started walking away quickly right afterward. The others followed her.

They looked a lot like mountain people, but she had never seen them before and they could survive outside of the mountain. While it was possible that they might have already had bone marrow transfusions before they had attacked the mountain and Clarke had killed everyone in it. It was unlikely that all of them had been able to leave the mountain without anyone noticing it. Also, the most important people would have gotten the transfusions first and Clarke was sure that she had known all of the important people, or at least she had seen them before. She couldn't remember seeing any of the faces of the strangers. She could only see one other possibility.

"They have to have come from space!", she guessed out loud. Indra stared at her angrily. "I thought all of you had already come down!", she complained as if she had been betrayed. Clarke didn't even notice that. She was too busy thinking about who those people could be. Instead, she simply answered: "I thought so too." Indra gave her a confused look and then told her people and the hunters to stay with the strangers. She would follow them with Clarke from further away because Clarke was too loud and Indra didn't want to risk being discovered.

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