Chapter 1-I have a son?

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Messy,Brown nest of Chestnut hair sat on the blue plastic chair,questioning his life....

She's gone..

My mommy's Gone..

This 7 year old boy was waiting for his long lost Biological father.

Stiles has never even seen him or even looked at a picture of him his mother always says "Maybe when your old Mischief But I don't want to put a burden on him,We was young so young when I was pregnant.....he had to move away and I didn't want to tell him,to stop him from going back to his life and I bet he would love you so so very much"

He didn't really blame his so called Dad but there was two things running threw Little Stiles Head right now is:

'Would he even like me?'

'I hope he won't get mad at me'


It was an understatement that something either shit or messed up was going to happen on this fine Sunday morning in the Gallagher house.

But what Fiona didn't expect was getting Phoned at 10 in the morning calling about her Little brother Phillip Gallagher.
'What has he done this time?'She thought sighing heading down stairs seeing the who family there even V and Kev.
"Lip it's for you!"She called out taking a Donut off Liam and giving him lucky charms.
She bit into the Donut as he replied "Who is it?"
"No clue"She questioned passing him her phone as he brought it up to his ear.

"Ello' who's this?"

"Is this Phillip Gallagher?"


"We're California's Social workers calling about a boy!"

"A boy,California what do you mean?"

"Well we ran a blood test on Mieczyslaw Gallagher Stilinski,and it turns out your the father"

"WHAT!"Lip screamed down the phone to the Poor old woman as he shot up from his seat and started pacing the kitchen whilst all eyes laid on him,he didn't even knowledge the questioning gazes he got.

"Miss you must've got the wrong person"He questioned but all he got was a "NoPe"As she popped the 'p' She then furthered explained the situation.

"Well Mieczyslaw Well Known as Stiles,has no one left his mother Claudia Stilinski sadly passed away just about 1 week ago he stayed at the residents of Mrs Mcall and her son Scott MCall"

'Claudia' 'Claudia' 'Claudia-'He repeated threw his head until he finally realised,his first ever long lasting relation ship until he had to go back to this dump.
Claudia was one of the best people he ever met she was Kind,Heart Warming,Beautiful,Sarcastic and funny.

Bile rushed to his heist as he forcefully swallowed it down 'She's dead...'He thought as his shocked expression soon turned to morning and pain.

'She was pregnant and she didn't tell me,I would've stayed,now I've got a kid'

Thought raced threw his mind until the lady on the phone snapped him back to reality"I know Mr Gallagher this might be a lot to take in but you must choose wisely,you can either take him and fill out papers,go to a court and claim legal guardian to the boy or you can decline us and we'll find him a safe home"
He breathed in deep "Can you give me at least two days?"

"Well give you 24 hours and when we pine back you must have a answer....Thank you for your time Mr Gallagher Goodbye"

With that the line clicked off before he could reply,slumping back down on the seat he looked at all his family as he grinned his messy brown hair before finally someone stopped the anxious tension.

"What was all that about Lip"V Chimed smiling sadly at the stressed out Young Adult before people murdered.

He scoffed before finally replying back...

"Guess what...."

"I have a son!"

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