Realisation hits like Wave.

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" Her name is Ananya Malhotra, she lives there, she is a professional model " Shreyas said sipping his mocktail

" Exactly where did you guys meet? " Rahul asked

" Me rishabh went for karaoke nights. She was there " Shreyas chuckled

" That's interesting " Shristi said with a forced smile on her face

" I know right! We instantly clicked . We just had so similar vibes " Shreyas grinned

Rishabh's annoyance was evident on his face. He was not at all happy with this sudden decision of his friend.

Niki took the chance and said
" You sure about this? I mean don't you think you are just too fast?? " She shrugged

" No no. I know I am right. When you will meet her. You will get it " Shreyss tried to convince nikita

Nikita gave a small smile. Though she wasn't really pleased.

" How is debadrita? She went to Pune for some event right!" Samiksha asked rahul

" Yeah. She is very well. She will be back by the end of this week " Rahul said

Samiksha phone popped in the mean time

( Italics are msg from samiksha)

It was from rishabh

" Shreyas is taking a terrible decision"

" I know. "

"Shristi I can tell that from her face "

" Yeah. Me too. I don't know why he always takes this sort of reckless decisions "

" What are you guys doing? " Shristi said looking at them

" Yeah come on guys! We are hanging out here and you guys are busy on phone! " Virat sighed

" No. Just some important msg " Samiksha said nervously

" Ignore! " Shreyas chuckled

Rahul noticed the Uncomfortableness of shristi
" You okay? You seem tired? " He asked

" Yeahh. Um, I had a long day in office" Shristi smiled faintly

Both Nikita and Samiksha knew that it's a lie . They actually had easy Less workload day.

" Take a day off tomorrow. You are coming " Shreyad said

" I can't. I have a lot of work to do. Ask Nikita she is branch Manager. Ask her! " Shristi tried to cover it up

Nikita had different plans
" No actually. You take a day off. Sammy you too. I will appoint Abhinav and shweta in your respective places" Nikita smiled

Shristi gave her a " Really!!! " Look

" No. I need to finish those samples. " Shristi said

" Abhinav will do that " Nikita said

" Okay fine. I am coming then I guess" Shristi sighed

" Niki. You are best! " Shreyas grinned

" I know! " Nikita said flipping her hair.


Later that night.

Shristi and samiksha were coming back

" You didn't really like the fact. Did you? " Samiksha asked with a smirk

" What fact? " Shristi asked pretending to not know it

" You know it. You wanted Shreyas to come back single! And now he is in a relationship " Samiksha exclaimed sarcastically

" It's totally his concern. I don't have any problem whatsoever " Shristi shrugged her shoulder

" I am not buying that! " Samiksha said seriously

Shristi sighed deeply

" It's just that. I don't know. I don't really think I am sad. I am not happy either. I just feel weird . I mean he fell in love within just one week! Like really ! " She let out a sarcastic laugh

" I know right. Bohot hi ajeeb hai yaar! " Samiksha chuckled

" Yeah that's the thing. And Nikita. That bloody Manager ! She literally gave me a day off when I didn't want one! Ghar jakar itna gaali dungi mai usko!! " Shristi huffed

Samiksha laughed at her friend's reaction

" Yeah. Please. I would love to hear that " She grinned.


" You know bhai! Shreyas's decision is absolutely ridiculous " Nikita huffed

" I know. It's reckless " Virat sighed

" Exactly!!! That's my point " Nikita sighed

" But you can't really help it. Can you " Anushka said with a thought full smile

" I know bhabi! But it's just. Ughhhh he is just soo immature! " Nikita let a frustrated growl

" Calm down. And get some sleep. It's Shreyas's life . He will have to decide what's best for him" Virat said patting Nikita's head

" You are right. Good night " Nikita said hugging Virat and Anushka .


" Why do you do this to me??? " Shristi screamed over phone

" What. What did I do ??" Nikita asked. She was startled

" I wanted to a day off long ago. Then you didn't gave me one! And now. I didn't want one but you gave me. Why!!!! Ugghh. I will kill you " Shristi growled

" Umm. You deserved a day off. You were working hard " Nikita stammered

" Mujhe nahi milna hai shreyas ke girlfriend se! " Shristi huffed

" Ummm. Kyun nahi milna? " Nikita asked

" Bass nahi milna. I am not going tomorrow. I am doing work from home! " Shristi stated and hung up

" Hel. " Nikita couldn't finish it.

She just chuckled at her reaction
She wanted her to meet them. She knew it was good for shristi. She will be even for clear with her thoughts then.


Here goes another update

Let's see what happens when they meet

Love you all!

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