Time Management

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Hard would be an understatement.
Last two weeks were very hard for Shreyas ..

The fact that India won the series and he made a century was not enough to keep his mind at peace.

He was curious to know what Shristi though about his proposal. In this two they did talk whenever they had chance and honestly there were very few. It was either him being busy practicing or Shristi being loaded with office works. Time zone gap was a factor too.

Today was the day!
They were coming back from Australia and Shreyas was beyond the level impatient. The only thing he wanted at that moment was to land in Bangalore

" Shreyas you can't jump off the plane so please stop thumping your feet like that " Rishabh said as an annoyed groan left his mouth.

" Whatever! " Shreyas scoffed
Even though Shreyas scoffed he knew  Rishabh was right.. There's no point of being so impatient. He will have wait. He felt like time was taking his test.


" Buck up guys!! Our sales have been down.. Come on guys.. We need to go to first position again " Nikita said while pumping everyone up so that they meet the deadlines.

" Listen I need all of you today in this office till 9pm . " She said sternly

Shristi glanced at Samiksha who mouthed her a " Say it " .

" Excuse me ma'am.. Can get a leave early?? " Shristi asked
Nikita was expecting that.. She knew that she had to meet with Shreyas today but she thought about playing a bit.

" Well Miss Sen, why do need a leave?? You can see how much pressure we have, their are projects which needs finishing and for that I need hardworking people like you.. So I hope you have a good reason otherwise I am giving you a leave.. " Nikita said being total bossy

" You will pay for this Nikita " Shristi thought in mind though couldn't say anything because of the professional relationship

" I.. I actually need to buy things for my house.. So I need an early leave.. Can I get that ma'am? " Shristi said rather pleaded.

Even though Nikita was enjoying all of this.. She knew she will have to face consequences later.

" Okay .. Go and buys things " Nikita said sarcastically.


It was 4pm when Indian team landed. After passing through several check out procedures and paparazzi when Shreyas was at last able to get hop into team bus it was 4:30 PM.
He immediately took and phone out and called Shristi.

" Hey. " She said picking up the phone

" Where are you ? " He asked

" Leaving office in 15 .. What about you ? Please don't tell that already reached my home! " Shristi asked as tension creeped into her body

" Relax I just hopped onto the bus " Shreyas chuckled

" Good.. See you at 7 " Shristi and hung up. Shreyas wanted to talk more but he understood her situation she must be busy with office works


It was Shristi's idea to meet at her house  . They both knew that can't meet at some restaurant without being clicked. Shreyas's house wasn't a good option too since paparazzi would be able to follow them their..They wanted the meet to be peaceful and Shristi's house was best choice.

Shristi sighed in happily after sending the last mail of the day. She checked her watch 5:30 pm.. " Shit I am late " She muttered under breath 

She quickly packed belongings in her bag
" I am leaving.. Please send those account sheets to Mr. Agarwal.. I can't do that today I am already very late " Shristi said samiksha and left the hurridly

" All the best ! " Samiksha whisper yelled .

Normally it was a whole one hour ride from office to home for Shristi and the traffic elongated it more... When she reached home it was already 6:50 .

" Oh god " She sighed as she slumped with her tired body onto the couch . She really had some plans but everything is messed up now . Neither she had time nor energy.

And the door bell rang...


To be continued

I have exams from March 20 ! I hate it.. But I love you guys.. I hope you guys know that..

Thanks for reading.

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