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I'm writing this after I published the first chapter, but this is just an information page. Just so everyone knows rules that have to do with this stuff.

This is an original story. I got the idea years ago, but it was pretty badly written and forced the first time I wrote it, so I'm rewriting it. I'm going to try to keep each chapter around the same length, though some might run longer, or be cut short just for story purposes. Each chapter will be around 2700-2800 words.

Update about chapter lengths: I've started writing longer chapters. So be prepared after the first four or five chapters for there to be like... 3000 or more words.

I do not own the main characters. They are made by Thomas Sanders, who is a beautiful angel and give him love. There will be some original characters, some concepts I stole from the original Sander Sides, and some other parts of stories that might seep into what I'm writing now.

Please ask before you borrow any of my original characters, I create most of them on the fly, and I really would prefer to know where they're going into.

If my work seems like other stories you've read, that's okay, but don't point it out? I'm very self-conscious about that, I don't want to steal from anyone else's ideas, but I tend to rely very heavily on other ideas by other people.

If you have an idea, a prompt, or a headcanon about this story, don't be afraid to share. I try my best to respond to every comment I can so you know I saw it, and I might just add it to the story!

I update this story on Mondays and sometimes Fridays if I'm feeling up to it. I didn't have a schedule before now, and I never posted or finished stories, so I'm working on that now. I won't start another story until 1) I get a little more into the school year where I feel comfortable with writing more, or 2) I finish this story.

Please give me encouragement? Even just commenting or favoriting makes me feel so much better about myself, you have no idea! And if you like it, please share it? I need to feel validated and I love attention.

I am 15, there will be romance in this book, and it might get a little spicy? But I won't write anything besides kissing. I might imply some things, so please be warned.

I add trigger warnings at the beginning of chapters. Sometimes they are needed, sometimes they aren't, but I prefer being careful.

Lastly, thank you for reading. I tend to get self-conscious, so thank you for bearing with me, and if you're returning from some of my other stories from before, then thank you for coming back to me.


The Prince, The Gangster, The Teacher, And The Poet (Sander Sides Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now