chapter four 👑

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"I'm not going home now,I'm supposed to meet Yusrah at the cafeteria before we go home together later"

"I know that Nazneen"

It was at the tip of her tongue to ask him how he knows but she just nodded and went with the followed him.

It was a silent walk to where Yusrah and she was grateful for that. She kept her eyes on the ground suddenly finding interest on the tiles but at the same time stealing glances from him.

He had on a suave dark blue turtleneck top and black denim jeans and with black Air Jordan sneakers, his hair was gelled backwards but a bit messy as if he just ran his hand through it making look very dashing as usual.

When they got to the cafeteria, they met Yusrah at the rare end of the room next to the floor to ceiling window overlooking the busy streets of Abuja. They walked towards her.

"You're seven minutes late Naz"

"Sorry, she was with me" Farhad answered for her.

"I can see that and you" she pointed at Nazneen "you have a lot of explaining to do"she whispered.

They sat at the at the round table with a small box of smoked barbeque pizza that was barely touched but was slightly opened.

"I didn't know what you liked so I just ordered what me and Naz usually ordered" she said to Farhad.

"I don't mind"

"Of course you don't" she muttered under her breath but they all heard her.

Nazneen kicked her in the shin from under the table and gave her the 'please behave' look.

They ordered their drinks which was a tall glass of coke for Yusrah, mineral water for Farhad and pineapple and lemon smoothie for Nazneen and extra plate of potato fries with ketchup on top.

"What are you doing here anyway Farhad, I thought you worked as a prosecutor in Kano" Yusrah asked sipping her drink.

He raised an eyebrow at her and threw a fry in his mouth"What? Aren't you happy to see me?" she gave him a passive look "Alright, jokes apart, I'm here for a court case that has been postponed to next week Thursday"

"Don't mind me asking, but what case are you prosecuting" Nazneen chimed in.

"Wow!" He exclaimed "so you talk"

She ducked her hand on the table playing with the fry in her hand.

"Domestic abuse and assault" he answered. It was a confidential information at office but he was ready to take the risk.

"For God's sake" Yusrah cried out "we are not onworking days and you are talking about work not that I blame you though you guys are nerds"

Farhad chuckled while Nazneen just took a loud sip from her smoothie. They talked about everything and nothing even if it was only Yusrah and Farhad that did most of the talking.

Meanwhile, Zulfa and Minaal just finished doing a wardrobe haul and were danishes. They decided to come to the cafeteria to order some food and drinks on the go when Zulfa spotted Nazneen.

While Minaal was doing the ordering, she went toward were Nazneen's table. Nazneen saw her coming and hid her face behind the menu books on the table.

"Everyone can see you Naz even if I don't get why you're hiding" Yusrah said.

"You won't understand"

Farhad looked behind him and guessed that she knew the girl that was coming their way. He dared to let out a chortle before turning back to Nazneen "you know her don't you?"

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