Chapter fourteen 👑

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"Don't you think it's a little too much?" Na'ilah asked her friend regarding her makeup.

Fauziya dropped the brush she was using to apply blush on her face and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She touched her cheeks lightly then stroked it gently with her knuckles "You think so too?, makes me look like a tomato, right?"

Na'ilah rolled her eyes and shifted herself for the doorframe "I mean the make up, you said you wanted to make it look unplanned"

Fauziya's face twisted "Too heavy?" She shut her eyes and groaned in frustration then picked a napkin "I knew I should have just gone with something neutral and light"

She wiped the make-up that she spent over an hour putting on and began to work on another one.

Na'ilah sighed and walked out of the room. She didn't get why her friend was already cuckoo for Khalil. Just because he texted her at seven in the morning when they were having breakfast that he'd be coming by ten later because he had something really important to tell Fauziya,she went crazy.

Why they were even up so early was because Fauziya had a morning shoot for a commercial that she was their ambassador for. She made Na'ilah spend the night at her house so they could have an early breakfast,get the shoot over with and then enjoy the rest of the day having a wardrobe haul at their favorite mall.

After dropping her phone, Fauziya screamed in ecstasy and began to do a happy dance. She then immediately called Marisa and told her to cancel all her schedule and then not to call her till the next day. Then Na'ilah asked what was making her so happy.

"Khalil is coming over,he said he has something really important to tell me" she screamed again and clutched her phone close to her chest. "He's finally going to propose to me

''or maybe you're about to be served breakfast" Na'ilah muttered inaudibly with a smile and brought her glass of juice close to her lips and sipped it.

"You'd be coming to the wedding, right?" Fauziya who had her asked and watched her friend almost choke on the juice.

She wiped her mouth "Why not? I wouldn't miss it for the world"

"Good, just wanted to make sure"

Na'ilah continued to eat while she listened to Fauziya ramble about the proposal that was forthcoming,or so she thought.

"... And you're going cover the moment" Fauziya clasped her hands in accomplishment "It would be perfect"

Again, Na'ilah almost choked on her drink "I'm sorry ,what?"

Fauziya gave her that knowing look which screamed 'you heard me the first time'.

Na'ilah shook her head vehemently "No way,no fucking way"

"Yes fucking way, I mean how do you expect me to show the world that the Khalil sheikh Al-farsi proposed to me"

"Have one you maids video it for you, I'm not doing it" Na'ilah said with finality.
"Why not?"

She opened her mouth to give her friend her reason but none was forthcoming then she closed it back.

Fauziya smile triumphantly "I thought so too,now what to her wear"

Na'ilah face palmed herself "You've got to be kidding" she looked Fauziya who was already thinking about colour combinations.

"Yellow is too flashy right,red or black  is too urghh" she made a funny face then she snapped her fingers "I'll wear that abaya I got when we went to Dubai,yes?"

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