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Hoseok's eyes were about to pop out of his socket but Taehyung pinched him and got back to the meeting.

Little did he put any interest to the meeting, because all his needy attention was centralised to Suga's secretary.

Annastasia didn't have the tiniest of the idea that THE KIM TAEHYUNG was mesmerized by her. She was more attentive on the meeting, as it was for a meaningful cause.

I have seen this lady somewhere. Where? where? Yes! In the New York fashion week, now I remember, I never forget beautiful faces.

The meeting went on for more three hours, continuous without any break, all thanks to Suga's exertion.

As soon as the meeting got over everybody shifted to the restaurant situated in that building itself. A huge banquet was set up for all the members attending that day. Nearly hundreds of people could finely eat at that sumptuous place.

Suga, Jungkook, Taehyun, Annastasia all were seated on a table. And a little far from them was Taehyung with his members.

"Sir, I'll bring your food." Taehyun stood up.

"Wait! Are you my personal secretary, Mr Taehyun?"

He fell silent and sat back on his place. Suga looked at his personal secretary or more of a personal property.

"Miss Annastasia, if you may bring my lunch."

"Sure sir." Annastasia instantly got up from her place and went to the buffet to see what her arrogant boss might like to eat. Leaving no option she took some meat and some vegetables, along with some rice.

"Here sir!"

Suga glanced at his plate, " I don't eat eggplant, kindly take it back."

"Right sir." She exchanged that plate with some other items. And went back again.

"I don't eat beans."he reiterated.

"Right sir" she went back again, and again changed a plate and brought something other.

Again the same thing happened.

"Sir, if you may tell me what are your food choices then I may kindly bring those."
Suga glared at her, Annastasia understanding the situation decided to endure and went back again.

"Why is he giving her a hard time?" Taehyung asked Hoseok.

"Sir, he is a misogynist, if you remember ."

"Hmm! Then why did he hire her?"

"I don't know sir." Hoseok stood up to bring more food.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asked.

"To bring more meat, sir."

"Wait I'll go." he took his plate and headed to the buffet.

Hoseok sat there stunned. Somebody who can't even throw the chewing in his mouth, but hands it to the other person, is walking on his own legs and bringing food for his secretary. "Where did the sunrise today ?" He was shocked but once he saw his boss with Annastasia he understood the reason of his benevolence.

"I'm gonna blow your mind, just come with me, I swear~~," He sang standing on the buffet where Annastasia was busy choosing food.

"Huh! Excuse me!" She turned around and was dumbstruck as soon as her eyes met with Kim Taehyung. "Holy mother of....whaa.....fucking Kim Taehyung???"

"I don't do that here." He playfully smirked.

"Huh!" She shook her head, " Iam so sorry for my bad mouth..." Annastasia kept her plate on the side table and couldn't control Fangirling. "....Huge! Huge! Fan Sir. So huge that I literally feel my heart will come out of my chest for you." She couldn't control her excitement. His handsomeness even made her beauty feel shy. With his boxy smile that frequently turned into smirk when his sinful eyes scanned her from top to bottom. He didn't make Gucci, but Kim Taehyung was Gucci.

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