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Before the sun appeared and illuminated the sky, Suga had already awakened. He came out of the bathroom, fresh. Annastasia was still sleeping, it was already 6:00 am. Suga doesn't wish to wake her up or interrupt her sleep.

Then the clock struck 6:30, and she was still sleeping. Suga just concluded that she's a heavy sleeper and gets up early to avoid being late for work. But he had to wake her up.

"Annastasia," he gently shuffles her body. She moans a little and rolls around. A laugh leaves his mouth, "Annastasia, wake up," he still moves her body, "We have to go to the office."

Her eyes open. "Office!" she woke up straight like a ghost, Suga took a few steps back.

Her eyes fell on him. "You are ready? So, quick?"

"Check out what time it is."

Her eyes fell on the clock, its 6:30, she panics.

"Im going to be so late. Give me half an hour, sir. I'll be back as soon as I can, she made her hair into a bun and ran from the room.

"This girl." he chuckled. After completing his routine he goes to the living room to read the newspaper. Its seven oclock now. Right when he was about to walk the stairs to visit her bedroom, Annastasia came running with her heels in her hand,

"I'm sorry sir," she's wearing them hastily in front of him. He just remains there, smiling, watching her panic.

"Its Yoongi, not Sir,"

"I'm so sorry, lets go now."

They are now heading for the office. Suga no longer requires her to bring him coffee every day because he has ordered someone else to do it.

They reach their respective cabins and get to work. Just before 5-10 minutes prior to lunchtime, Suga asks Annastasia to come to his cabin.

"Yes, Sir,"

"Umm... Have you done your lunch?"

She looks at her watch, the lunch hour hasn't even started yet, and finds it weird that he would ask such a question, "No, sir, but I will, once my work is done."

"Hmm.." a thought comes to his mind.

"Come to my cabin once your work is done?"

"Ok, sir"

Annastasia found her bosss demeanor awkward for a moment and eventually returned to work. Once she completed her task she headed to his cabin.

*Knock knock*

"Come in!"

She entered and didn't find him sitting on his desk and then saw him on the couch with food spread all over the table.

Suga patted beside him, she followed and sat there.

Her eyes wandered on the table and it felt weird. Her face was flustered as she asked, "Is it a D-date in the office?"

"Date? No no", he declined with an embarrassed laugh.

"Then why do I see wine and flowers on the table."

"I was actually.. " he scratched his head," ..thinking to welcome you because its your f-first day here.

"Thats very sweet of your sir."

He nodded then acted awkwardly again, neither holding the spoon nor the chopsticks nor saying anything.

Annastasia broke the silence, "I think we should start eating."

Both of them grabbed their plates and ate their lunch. There was a silence thriving. The sound of their teeth grinding the food was discernible. For some reason, it was becoming uncomfortable between them and she didnt understand why.

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