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"What?" Annastasia was perplexed.

Suga lifted his head and narrowed his eyes, "Are you deaf?"

"Wha-hhh...No! B-but, I didn't even give the interview."

"Do you want this job or not?"


"Then get back to work," he ordered.

Annastasia stood there with a flushed face, clutching to her files, not sure what step to take next.

Suga loathes repeating things and more than that he loathes confused people who aren't sure what to do. Even though he knew what's wrong with her, he asked, "Why are you standing there like a statue?"

Annastasia raised her eyelids to meet his and dared to question, "When do I start my work? A-nd what all things I'll have to do?"

He cocked his head and sneered, "Do I look like an informant to you? "


"Obviously not!!" he shouted, " And I have got bigger things to do rather than sit here and explain things to you. Go to Jungkook's cabin, he will assist you ." he beckoned her by moving his hand.

A gesture that made Annastasia feel unimportant. But she curbed her anger and decided to bear it.

"Thank You!" she bowed and left his room to head to Jungkook's cabin. A smile was plastered on her face as she was thrilled regarding how effortlessly she got the job.

Once she was on the lift, it hit her, "Oh! Fish! I don't even know where Mr Jungkook's cabin is. Whom should I ask? " Annastasia in the thought of whom to ask went all the way to the ground floor taking the same lift.

The ground floor was filled with men. As she has already realized that except for her there is not a single person with breasts. She paid the least attention to all the men ogling at her and searched for a helpful face. Then she found a person reading a newspaper at the reception and steered towards him.

"Excuse me!"

The man turned his head and was taken aback, "Woah! You scared me ."

Annastasia kept her hand on her chest, taken back as well, "What? Humans scare you?"

"Not human, but the thought of a female here scares the hell out of me. Are you even real? or am I dreaming ?" that person tried touching Annastasia but she gave a smash on his hand."

"Ah! Ok ok, you are real. How the hell did you end up here, lady?"

"I need to find Mr Jungkook's cabin, can you help me ?"

"Sure! It's on the 20th floor. As soon as you come out of the lift, take a left and then a right turn. There is his cabin ."


"You're well..."

Before even listening to his welcome, Annastasia was back out her way, to find Jungkook's cabin.

But instead of heading towards it, she turned around and walked back to the same guy.


"Yes!" the same guy turned around with a softness in his voice.

"Do you mind if I take your help? Can you show me his room, as I kind of might gets lost ."

"Ya! Sure." He smiled.

Both of them took the lift that was in the corner of the floor. The whole building has many elevators, but only one was reserved for the boss.

Anastasia's ignorant brain didn't know about this, "Why aren't we taking the one in the middle ?".

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