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Irene has agreed to support her friend because a friend is the only one who acts as a bolster in times of dismay. They support you with your decisions even if nobody does, true friends do. After having a deep conversation with Irene, Annastasia can't waste even a second but to head to where her friend dwells.

Annastasia and Jin head for the airport the next day. The terminal is all hustle bustle because a celebrity has entered there. Paparazzi is her best friend, wherever she goes they follow. So, she is expecting that where she is heading to start her new life, these friends don't follow. It's insane how she deals with it or how any other celebrity does. There remains no privacy in her life. She is never ever alone.

"Anna, I'm still ready to come with you if you want me to." Jin proffered while she was walking with him to the waiting hall.

"No Jin, I have to fight this war alone. You have always been there for me. I can't trouble you more. There are so many opportunities waiting for you, but you were always stuck with me ." she has remorse in her eyes. She isn't ready to part her ways with Jin, but she can't bind him with her forever.

Jin grabs her arm and takes her by surprise. She is now close to his robust figure whose warmth she is able to feel with her body. Jin has never embraced her like this, but his heart is in control now. He looks into her eyes with endearment, " Anna! I was never stuck with you. We are a family. You are the only family I ever had. "

Her breathe rises to the level that her chest retracts. She hasn't seen this side of him. "Jin! You are my everything, but I can't put your life at stake, I have to do this alone."

Jin leaves her from his hold, "As you wish Anna. Take care of yourself."

Both of them hug each other. Her bodyguard doesn't want to let her go. He has a delicate corner in his heart because sometimes he sees her more than just a girl, he sees her as his girl. It's been eleven years, they've lived together and now they are their separate ways.

"Bye Jin, Take care."

"Bye Anna, Take care as well."

She walks towards her flight. The pre-boarding announcement has been reiterated a million times. Before disappearing away from his eyes, she turns around one last time. He is still there looking at her. A smile forms in her lips, he gives a nod which means 'everything will be okay'. She feels confident now and walks towards her flight. Step by step fading away from someone's sight, who will miss her a lot.

Jin goes back to their shared apartment. The house feels desolate, but he knows he can't just sit there and bemoan her absence. The apartment was given by the agency, and now Jin has to pack everything up and shift to his new house.

Annastasia has booked the first class in the flight, because of her weak heart for expensive things. She knows she shouldn't be a spendthrift but she can't help but go for superfluity. This personality of her needs a well-paid job because those millions of obligation that she has on her boney skinny shoulder can't be fulfilled with a $10/hour waitress job at a café in the corner of the street.

The flight attended and the crew members are all delighted because they have seen her shows many times. Probably, one of the crew members has kept her magazine cut-outs in her diary because for the way she behaves after Annastasia walks into the aeroplane.

They ask her for an autograph and click pictures with her. Annastasia feels more than humble and never refuses giving autographs or to click selfies with her fans. Those fans who respect her and aren't just toxic, are treasured by her.

So, she finally rests in her cabin, reclines in those comfortable seats. The air hostess asks if she needs anything, but she declines to be disturbed and relaxes in her seat, immersed in her thoughts.

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