My Future Father In Law

Start from the beginning

"Come Saint. Let's go." The Sheikh whispered and helped Saint to stand up.
"I'm fine."
"You are not fine Saint." Sheikh Muhammad Ali held his friend while wrapping one arm on Saint's shoulder and walked towards the entrance of the restaurant.
"Give me the key to your motorbike." The Sheikh requested. Saint slowly took the key from his pocket and gave it to his friend who in turn gave it to his aid.
"Your Majesty... Prince Zee has to accompany you." Max carefully reminded Sheikh Muhammad Ali.
"I don't care about protocol Max. I will personally talk to the King if any problem arises." He replied and he immediately left Max and his aid.
"My car is here Saint." The Sheikh's chauffeur opened the door to the black Mercedes and he let Saint sit down and he closed the door.
"Bring us back to 187 Pillars House." He instructed before going to the other side and got into the car.
"Ali... I don't want to go there." Saint begged.
"Where do you want to go then?"
"Anywhere." Saint whispered.
"Drive around Chiang Mai. We will inform you when we have a destination in mind." The Sheikh told his chauffeur. The car slowly began crawling into the busy street.

Sheikh Muhammad Ali continued to study Saint. He did not ask him anything. He simply let Saint cry. He was convinced that Saint needed to let his sadness and whatever that was bothering him out. He gave Saint some tissue and also opened a bottle of water. Saint had always been a cry baby, the Sheikh knew that. Nonetheless, the pain etching on his friend's face was just too much for him to bear. Saint had been hurt. Who could have hurt him like this? What triggered this emotional outburst? The Sheikh thought. He specifically remembered Saint heading to the gents and Prince Zee followed suit. The Prince's demeanour totally changed after... the visit to Tul's Crazy Concoction.

"Fascinating..." Sheikh Muhammad Ali murmured as he stared at his friend.


"What happened Your Highness?" Max questioned Prince Zee when he came back to his table.
"Nothing happened." The Prince answered and sat down.
"Saint was so distraught after leaving the washroom that he cried." Max informed him.
"NOTHING happened."
"Bullshit!" Max hissed.
"Shut up Max."
"Your Highness... Please don't hurt him." Max begged.
"I am not hurting him." Prince Zee muttered.
"You must have done something. He was so distraught that Sheikh Muhammad Ali had to carry him out of the restaurant." Max divulged.
"HE WHAT?" The Prince turned around and was greeted by the sight of an empty table and chairs.
"Where are they?" Prince Zee demanded.
"Driving around Chiang Mai."
"Your Highness... I know you are hurting too but please... Saint is innocent. He loves you. He has to accept the fact that you don't love him. That there is no future for you and him. Don't hurt him more than he already is." Max whispered and touched the Prince's shoulder.
"I am NOT hurting him." Prince Zee hissed.
"Stop lying Your Highness. I know you are hurting because you can't be Sheikh Muhammad Ali. That you have to stay away... But Your Highness... You have to face reality. YOU pushed him away because you know there is no future for you and Saint." Max continued.
"Shut up Max." Prince Zee abruptly stood up.
"Find them!" The Prince commanded.
"They are on their way to Doi Inthanon National Park." Max informed him.
"We'll follow them there." Prince Zee instructed and left Max behind.

    Prince Zee got into the Mercedes and slammed the door close. He closed his eyes. He could still see the pain in Saint's eyes. Why did he have to say those things to him? He had hurt Saint again. He felt awful. Even when Saint was defying him, his beautiful eyes could not mask the sadness and turmoil in them. He should not have said those terrible things. He just could not stand looking at how close Ali and Saint were. He was consumed with so much jealousy and anger. He wished he was Ali.

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