👑Chapter 2 :-( A New Start)👑

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👑Lucas Pov👑

" What the hell Just happened!?? How did I turned Into a Fuck*** Child !? " I said looking at my best friend.

" I..I think It happened because of this " Jonny said looking at empty Tube of ' Young Serum ' That he was holding and still shocked at his best friend and Surrogate son of late Drug Cartel King turned Into a Child.

" You mean to say that this Serum that was supposed to keep ms forever young and stop my ageing , turned me Into a Child !?? " I said.

" I think..so , I guess Dr Stephan's ' forever young Serum ' turned out to be Deaging Serum " Jonny said heard Sirens and went to look outside the window.

Jonny saw that NYPD officers clad In Bulletproof vest and carrying Semi / fully automatic guns.

" Jonny what's going on " I asked.

" Lucas we are busted ! NYPD is here and they are surrounding the building , It won't take them longer to get In " Jonny said.

" Damn It ! How am I supposed to get out of here In this condition " I asked looking at my tiny body.

" Let me think " Jonny said and an Idea flickered In his brain " Lucas ....They are here for you ! " Jonny pointed at me.

" And that's supposed to reassure me Jonny ??? " I said looking Jonny.

" Lucas your not getting It ! They are here for Lucas King ! The Surrogate Son of late Drug Cartel King , look at you , In this Child body there's no way they will be able to recognize you " Jonny said and Suddenly It all started to sound meaningful.

" So your telling me I am supposed to pretend to be...wait how old I am " I said and Jonny handed me mirror.

" I guess you look around 4-5 years old " Jonny said.

" Are you sure Jonny that they will fall for this ? " I asked.

" I am Damn sure , you Just need to act like a 5 years old , I guess that won't be hard " Jonny said and radio called the control room " They will be here In few Minutes , I will get out of here and try to contact Dr Stephan's and see how longer the effect of this Serum lasts " I nodded.

" Wait! How long will It Take " I asked.

" I don't know Lucas , It might take a week or longer but until then you need to pull this act " Jonny said.

" Wait what If they ask me What I am doing here ! And why I am wearing these baggy clothes " I asked.

" Lucas my friend you are smart , I am sure you will be able to make up something and here- " Jonny said throwing pair of shorts and T-shirt at me " These were my nephew's clothes from last visit you will fit In It " I nodded.

It was Time to pull the Act....

🎩Frank's Pov🎩

We were finally able to get to the location where Lucas King run his Drug Cartel.

" Officers Take your position " I said as we stood outside the office which should belong to Lucas King.

" Now " We kicked opened the door and got Inside for any dangers but there was no one.

" Cheif I think we lost his trail again..." Officer said.

" Shh " I heard some shuffling from behind the desk and removed my gun " Get Out! Your surrounded ! " I heard a childish squeak.

" No.! Please don't hurt me " I heard small child appearing behind the desk who had big hazel eyes and short blonde hair.

" Cheif who is it " Officer Jim asked.

" It's a child...Hey buddy Its Ok I am not gonna hurt you " I said and He nodded.

" Cheif what Is a Child doing In such a dangerous place " Officer Jim asked.

" Jim quite ! Hey buddy sorry to scare you " I said.

" It's..Ok " The Child said.

"  I am Officer Frank , what's your name " I asked softly.

" L-luke " Luke said looking down.

" Luke where are your mommy and daddy " I asked.

" Don't know..." Luke said.

" Sir ! we found almost 15 crates filled with drugs " Officer said " Also we caught many other people "

" Any signs of Lucas King ? " I asked.

" None , Its like he vanished In think air " Officer said.

" Dammit! That little runt managed to escape one more time " I groaned.

" Sir what are we gone do with this child " Officer said looking at luke.

" I think those bastard's must have kidnapped this poor child , I am gone take him to Doctor to make sure If he Is alright and then we will try to find his parents " I said looking at Child.

Lucas smirked to himself....

Jonny's plan was working and these morons fell for It.

To Be Continued........


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Stay tunned with more exciting chapters of Cunning criminal Lucas King and Brave Officer Frank Stanfield.


-Lucas King- [Return to Childhood]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon