🎄Chapter 16 :- ( Merry Christmas )🎄

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Sup guys !!! I am Your one and only Jacob Marcus and I wish you a Merry Christmas 😘😍.


Mike's Apartment....

Julian gulped another glass of wine as he looked outside.

It was snowing...

When he was a little boy , he loved Christmas.

His Mama' would make him meal and he would wait for Santa.

" Merry Christmas Boss " One of his Gaurd said.

" Merry Christmas to you too Andrew " Julian wished.

" Hey...I know your here for your business but its Christmas so..." Mike said looking at the gaurd who was holding a gun near him.

" Its ok Juan , its Christmas " Julian said and Juan nodded lowering his gun.

" Hey Guys I have baked some cookies who would like to eat " Jonny asked.

" What are you Martha Stewart ? " Mike said rolling his eyes.

" I guess that can work , bring It on " Julian said and Jonny nodded.

At Christmas Eve....

Stanfield Residence.....

🎩Frank's Pov🎩

" K-Mart banned us until the Christmas is over " I said in frustration.

Not only Luke had yelled out loud Infront of whole Mall that Santa wasn't real but he had also pulled the Mall Santa's beard.

" Dad atleast we got everything , look doesn't house looks beautiful " Jeff asked..

" It looks good ,what do you think Eve ? " I asked looking and my wife and she smiled.

" It looks wonderful " Eve said.

" Kiddo that was just not real Santa , Real Santa will come when you go to sleep " I said looking at Luke

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

" Kiddo that was just not real Santa , Real Santa will come when you go to sleep " I said looking at Luke.

" Really ? " Luke asked me looking at me innocently.

" Hey how about we go and put some cookies and milk for Santa " I asked.

" Yes !! " Luke said smiling.

" Alright ! " I said and helped Luke with putting some milk and cookies.


" My Mom and Anne are coming tomorrow , they want to meet Luke too " Eve said.

" That's good , Joe is also coming with his wife Sarah and their two kids " I said.

-Lucas King- [Return to Childhood]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat