Chapter 7: Homesick

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Gabriel entered their humble abode, a very huge smile was plastered on his beautiful face. He removed his dirty shoes, and placed it on the side. He waited for a while, and as expected, he could already hear his mother's excited footsteps going to his way.

"My dear son, welcome home!" She exclaimed, running to him and engulfed him in a hug.

Gabriel's heart melted, the warmth of his mother was all he need. Her embrace was really the best, he felt safe and secure, as if no one would dare hurt him with his beloved mother on his side. He couldn't help but to tighten his hold around her, sending multiple kisses on top of her head. "I'm home, mom."

She giggled, breaking off their hug. She looked up to him, her hands were placed on his cheeks. Gabriel wanted to hug her more but refrained himself, he pouted his plump lips as he stared down at her smaller mother. "You are so cute, honey. I bet you're starving after a tiring day, am I right?"

Gabriel grinned, cheerfully nodding his head. He could feel her pinching his cheeks, but he never mind, though. "Yes, mom. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. Want me to help you with dinner?"

She shook her head, "Don't worry, sweetheart. Your older sister already helped me prepare our dinner."

Gabriel stifled a laugh, "Nee-chan? Am I hearing right? I never thought she'd get out of her room to help you."

"Hey, are you badmouthing me on my back?" Rurumi's voice suddenly spoke, making the male froze when he saw her scary face. A second later, Gabriel's expression softened when the view of her stained apron came into his vision. He immediately knew that she've worked hard to help their mother in the kitchen, since Rurumi clearly despised doing chores.

Gabriel innocently blinked, "Badmouthing? What's that, nee-chan?"

Rurumi rolled her eyes, a dazzling smile came up to her lips as she turned around to leave. "Silly pretty younger brother, hurry up and go back to the kitchen after changing into a more comfortable attire. Dad's signature sushis are about to be done."

Stunned, "Dad is home?"

"Yes, of course, honey!" His mother responded with joy. "Oh, have you forgotten? We're going to celebrate his promotion! Isn't it too much fun?"

"That's right, that's right." Another male came out from the kitchen to give them a smile, his strong arm laid on top of Rurumi's disheveled hair. He looked to be truly youthful together with his wife, both of them were lively and full of energy. Several pieces of rice stuck to his chin and white shirt.

Gabriel's mother huffed in distaste, crossing her arms against her chest. "I told you I'd do it for you, now look at you, you're dirty, Mister."

Rurumi pursed her lips, "Dad is sometimes stubborn, mom. It's natural."

The man raised his hands in the air as if surrending, "We seldom do this as a whole family, I just want to help and bond with you, sweethearts. Right, son?"

Gabriel quickly nodded, glancing at his mother and older sister. His father cackled, shooting him a proud grin. "I'm happy you're able to make it to our celebration, my child."

He returned the heart-warming gesture to his family, and was about to tell them how much they mean to him when he suddenly felt the environment shaking. Panic took over his beautiful pale face, their house's ceiling were beginning to crack. He heard a series of beeping from a truck nearby, seeming to head towards their direction. The boy tried to move, but his feet were somehow paralyzed and glued on the floor. He started to tremble, crystal clear liquid piled up at the corner of his eyes before he could feel the excruciating pain on his entire body.

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