Chapter 10: Butler (2)

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"Do I really have to wear this, Jared? I think it's too tight, I'd die of suffocation." The white-haired's voice rang inside the fragrant and luxurious bathroom. He's all alone, half naked with a new long-sleeved polo in his pale hands. It's early in the morning and his lower part has been exposed in the cold air for quite a time now.

Jared, who's elegantly standing outside the bathroom's door, replied, "Your father ordered me to hand those clothes to you, young master. It's still up to you if you would like to wear it. I had no say to this matter."

"Oh, then it's fine..." He mumbled to himself after hearing his butler's response. His pink orbs scanned the piece of cloth that could possibly be made from a very unique silk. To think that he'd have this to wear, isn't he too lucky? He pursed his crimson lips, talking to no one in particular. "I guess I should keep up with this."

Yesterday, a bunch of things happened. It was horrendously chaotic. Start off with Chester's interactions with him, it may be mean and harsh, but it's not the worst. Good thing is that the younger boy never inflicted physical pain on him, it'll be bad if that ever happens. Other than Gabriel's half sibling, his biological father had a change of heart and gave him his privilege that was meant for him since birth as one of the nobles. He was a slave, but now, he's representing the well-known De Lucialeon's household.

Aside from them, the person outside the bathroom is someone his father assigned for him. Just like Hanz and Christoffer, Jared is a butler who aids his needs and help him through everything. The man is also responsible for his safety. If he have ever failed, his head would be impaled on a stick for it. Having someone to serve him is like opening a new book that he had never seen, it's refreshing and unusual at the same time.

Gabriel took some time inside the bathroom to change into his clothes. Checking himself out on the mirror, the edges of his lips curved upwards. He won't ever lie, he looks expensive and great on them.

The white-head twisted the doorknob and left the place. Jared immediately came into his view, still not getting used to see him and the entire new wide room. Apart from the butler, the boy received his room and was banished from the dusty old attic. He was told to never go there again for it was an unpleasant environment for him. It was a funny joke for him after literally living most of his childhood life there.

"Everything suits you, young master." Jared sincerely complimented.

Gabriel shyly grinned, "It does? I really think it doesn't at first because someone like me doesn't match with these amazing clothing."

"You're looking down to much on yourself, young master." The raven-haired butler pointed out, his tone was soft and soothing. "Have more confidence and belief."

"You're right..." He replied in a low volume. "But please, don't call me that. Gabriel would totally be fine!"

The manservant's brow rose, "May I ask why? Calling the person we serve by their names are strictly forbidden for it shows great disrespect."

"I know that," The boy muttered. "But it sounds weird to me. I'm still not used to this kind of life, where luxury and respect are given to me. I'd very much appreciate it if you treat me as a friend, and not as the son of your employer."

Jared intensely gazed at the fidgeting youngster. He seemed to be sincere with his words, no tricks or anything. The older male knew that this kid experienced a bitter past just by a quick observation. In addition, he inquired a bit of information from the other servants and found out a number of horrible events involving Gabriel. He felt a tinge of ache in his heart as he realized that the lonely boy wanted to get along with him.

As a lowkey soft-hearted person, Jared falsely coughed to break the unanticipated silence. "That would be fine, Gabriel. But I'm afraid I can't call you by your name in public. Rules are absolute and must be followed. I'll be damned if they found out about this and think that I'm insolent."

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