Chapter 11: Lost Boy (1)

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Studying is actually pretty hard in this world full of fantasy. There's plenty of terms that are unfamiliar to Gabriel, things that he never actually thought to exist, and lessons about magic. In addition, he acquired a slightly strict personal teacher.

He was meant to study for no less than six hours in a day. It is indeed challenging for a newcomer from another world. There's a lot to learn, to discover, and to get accustomed to. So far, the boy is doing a great job with his task. He'd always approach Jared whenever he's having a complication and the butler would gladly give him a hand. Today as well, Gabriel is currently staring at a book's page filled with some unknown words.

With furrowed eyebrows, he gave up guessing what it was and glanced to the calm man across the table. "Jared, what is this? I've never seen this before. Can you explain it to me?"

Pulling the book from his young master, Jared's hazel eyes scanned the pages from left to right. He adjusted his reading glasses and began to elaborate it's meaning. "Mana is the power of the elemental forces of nature embodied in an object or person. Mages like us have mana, it's our energy that enables us to use magic. We consume it everytime we cast a spell. High ranking mages naturally have a huge amount of mana, which made them extremely powerful. Once a person ran out of mana, they'll temporarily lack the ability to use magic."

"So... it's important? I have it, too?" The white-head curiously asked.

"Of course, you do possess it, the mana." Jared confirmed. "But in your current state, I'm afraid to say that you have a low percentage of mana. Your usage of magic is very minimal. I'm absolute that it'll get better in the future."

"You think so?"

"Yes, it takes time but I know you'll manage. When you start going to the academy, they'll teach you how to hone your mana control and magic. It will be a great experience." The older male stated, as if he's certain about the events that are about to happen.

Gabriel tilted his head a bit on the side, and questioned: "Why do you sound like you know a lot about the academy and the things people do in that place, Jared?"

"Because I graduated from the academy." He nonchalantly answered. His student, who never expected such reply, was close to dropping his jaw on the floor.

"You... you're from Galaxias Academy?!" The younger exclaimed, asking him what's distinctly obvious.

Jared bobbed his head up and down, "Indeed, I am. Are you surprised?"

"Then, that means you're strong. And an expert when it comes to magic. This also justifies that you're not a teenager that I thought you are." Gabriel uttered while he tries to fix his composure.

With interested eyes, the butler hummed. "You thought I was young? What do you think is my age?"

"Nineteen or so." The boy timidly whispered, embarrassed.

Jared stared at the child with complete amusement. Does he look that young to this kid's vision? He was silent for a couple of seconds before bursting into laughter. The white-haired male was stunned for a moment upon hearing the noise produced by the man. This is the very first time to hear him laugh. He expected Jared to be the kind of person that is always serious and stoic, but no. This... this is one of his side that's been exposed for him to witness.

"Too bad, I'm not even close to nineteen." He said as he began to cease down. "You've guessed wrong, in all honesty, I'm twenty-seven."

Pupils shrunk, Gabriel was beyond flabbergasted. "What?! You're already old!"

Jared's brows wrinkled, "I am not that old. Currently, I am in my prime."

"Still." He insisted, grinning. "I am confused on the part where you said you graduated from the academy. Then, you're a noble?"

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