🌈Chapter 16: Yeonjun

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~Ryujin's P.O.V~


I'm at the office again, still continuing my job. Just the usual and ordinary day. Maybe... It was quite peaceful actually until some squeals can be heard around me. What's going on?

"Ryujin, have you seen the new employee??" -Chaeryeong

"No I haven't."

"I heard that he's handsome." *squeal* -Chaeryeong

"So? Wait, I thought you like Taehyun??"

"Yeah but, the other guy is also handsome..." -Chaeryeong

*Squealing* -Workmates

"And I guess he's here!" -Chaeryeong

I looked to where the squeal came from and saw our lady workmates all compressing together. I tried to peek from my place but looks like I didn't have to do that. The guy was tall, even taller than some of our guy workmates. He was with Yeji unnie and... They're walking to my place? She's probably gonna introduce him to us.

"Hi Ryujin." -Yeji

"Hey Yeji unnie."

*Ehem* -Chaeryeong

"Oh I'm sorry Chae, didn't see you there." -Yeji

"It's alright unnie. So who's the new guy?" -Chaeryeong

"This is Yeonjun oppa." -Yeji

"You don't have to call me that ma'am, y-you're the boss..." -Yeonjun

"No it's alright oppa. So Ryujin, is it ok if you tour our new employee around the building?" -Yeji

"Sure unnie!"

I stood up from my chair and shook hands with Yeonjun oppa. Wow, he's hand is big. Wait a minute, why am I starting to fangirl over him? Before we could leave, Chaeryeong whispered something on my ear.

*Whisper*"Ryujin, B-Beom-" -Chaeryeong

*Whisper*"Chae, we already broke up. Stop bringing him up again."

I left her at her frozen position. I looked back at her again but even if she was frozen at her spot, her face shows concern over me. Why does she want me to get back with Beomgyu? The guy's gone. And if he doesn't wanna be found then why try your best to find him?? I removed those thoughts in my head and focused on touring Yeonjun oppa around the building.

"... And this is the canteen."

"What about that?" -Yeonjun

"That's where bosses from different departments have a meeting with the CEO."

"Ohh." -Yeonjun

We were about to go back when Yeonjun oppa said something that fluttered me. This feeling, I felt this before, but with the guy who just vanished after my accident.

"Do you have a boyfriend Ryujin?" -Yeonjun

"I-I did, but now we broke up."

"That's sad. Why would he break up with a pretty girl like you?" -Yeonjun


I was blushing on what he said. He's such a flirt and he successfully made my heart flutter. But I ain't complaining though. Good thing my hair covered my face so he didn't see me. We seperated ways as he went to Yeji unnie's office while I went back to my desk. Before I continued my work, I heard the other employees gossiping about him.

"He's so handsome! I think I would fall for him!" -Employee 1

"Tsk! That guy's a flirt. Haven't you heard why he got fired at he's old workplace?" -Employee 2

"What? He got fired??" -Employee 1

"Yeah! Cuz he's a flirt! He flirted some of the female employees back at his workplace." -Employee 3

"I don't believe you. He looks kind and a gentleman!" -Employee 1

"Whatever you say." -Employee 2

'What? Yeonjun oppa's a flirt?? I don't think he is. Maybe those are just false rumors.'

"Ryujin have you heard-" -Chaeryeong

"I already heard it Chae."

"Do you believe it?" -Chaeryeong

"I don't wanna."

"What if it's true?" -Chaeryeong

"Whatever, I'm going back to work."

"Ok..." -Chaeryeong

I continued my work and tried to focus infront of my computer. I was going back and forth from using my sense of sight in doing my job and sense of hearing from listening to the gossips about Yeonjun oppa. It was a bit loud for me and it gave me stress.

"Yah! Can you keep it down??"

"Sorry Ryujin." -Employee 2


~End of Flashback~

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