The Hard Choice

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Leo turned back to face the Demon, his brothers moving defensively to his sides. The Demon was still faced way, Donnie's eyes shut, which seemed like a seriously stupid move considering the Demon had to know that they were standing nearby.

Raph glanced at Leo thoughtfully and Leo shrugged, realizing that taking the staff would be easier than expected.

After Leo made motions for them to be quiet, they approached him slowly, moving like the ninjas they were trained to be. Even Mikey was surprisingly silent, probably well aware of how serious the situation was.

Taking them all by surprise, the Demon's black eyes flew open and he suddenly spun around. Pulling out the staff, he rammed each of them in the chest, sending them flying backward. They all readied themselves for the coming battle, Leo silently cursing himself for thinking that anything with this Demon could possibly be easy.

Leo sprinted at him, careful to only use his katanas to block the blows from the staff and not to hit the Demon. The blue-masked leader quickly dicovering that trying not to harm your enemy made fighting him far more difficult.

As Leo second-guessed one of his crippling attacks, the Demon rammed the butt of the staff straight at the upper part of his plastron, as he'd already realized that this was the most effective way to slow the turtle's down.

Breath knocked out of him, Leo stumbled back as he struggled to stay upright. Seeing that Raph had earlier been knocked down and Leo was clearly struggling to keep up the fight, Mikey forgot about the desk and charged for the Demon.

Evidently seeing him coming, the Demon ducked out of the way of his nunchucks, slamming the staff into the back of Mikey's knees, knocking the turtle off balance and onto his shell.

Resting the naginata blade above Mikey's forehead, the Demon locked eyes with Raph before lowered it threateningly. "Come now." The Demon sneered mockingly. "I have waited years for a chance to kill again. Are you really going to make it easy for me because I have the body of your brother? How weak."

Anger flashing in Raph's eyes, he charged and knocked the Demon away from Mikey. "I'll show you who's weak." He snarled, spinning his sais between his fingers before charging once more.

Behind them, Leo help Mikey to his feet, both watching nervously as Raph and the Demon aimed damaging blows. Miraculously, neither was able to get a hit, though it was obvious that Raph was tiring.

Not wanting to risk hurting either by suddenly rushing in, Leo waited until the Demon had knocked Raph back, the hot-head momentarily pushed off balance.

Katana raised, Leo rushed at him and swiped down, his moves not aimed to harm the Demon, but to knock the weapon from his hands. Mikey followed after him, helping his brothers to keep the Demon at bay, the three of them trying to ignore the taunts and insults he shot at them as they battled.

"How did Donnie deal with this guy all week?" Mikey voiced as they attacked, all of them feeling throughly fed up with the Demon.

"I have no idea. With more patience then I have, apparently." Leo stated, glancing back as Raph headed towards them.

"You're telling me." The hot-head growled, emerald eyes narrowed dangerously.

The Demon glanced between the brothers, unable to comprehend why they would just start a conversation in the middle of a battle, all three simply ignoring his annoyed and perplexed stare.

"You know what this reminds me of?" Mikey asked as he dodged the blade of the staff.

"Should we care?" Raph replied immediately.

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