A Temporary Take Over

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The Dream Demon watched these new proceedings through clenched teeth. He was so close to claiming the mutant turtle. So close to gaining a new body. So close to gaining the ability to torment all life forms instead of just one. But these brothers of Donatello's were going to ruin everything!

The Dream Demon felt his nerves spike when the hot-headed turtle approached the desk. He knew he needed to do something. He needed to keep them away from the box... But how? He had no ability to affect the human world. That was the entire reason he needed Donatello's body!


The Dream Demon turned his attention to the genius, narrowing his eyes thoughtfully as the turtle rapidly searched the shelves. He could feel the turtle trying to block out his fear, trying to slow the effects of the Demon's powers.

That was when the Demon was struck with an idea. He needed to finish draining the turtle and he needed to keep the others from finding the box. So he'd use Donatello. Or really, he'd use his fears. Smirking deviously, the Demon put a new plan into motion.


Donnie was grateful to know that Raph was nearby, keeping an eye on him and lending a hand with the search of the lab. He hoped that one of them would find the box quickly, he wanted this living nightmare to end as soon as possible.

He was well aware that the Demon was standing nearby, it was as though he could feel the Demon's stare, but he kept his focus on his mission. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves but froze upon hearing a faint growling behind him.

Even though it went against his better judgment, Donnie turned to see what he took to be a large mutant wolf. Obviously, this must have been one of the Demon's hallucinations, as he knew there was no other way for this wolf to have appeared in the lair, but Donnie still stepped back nervously.

Suddenly, the wolf turned away from him and fixed his bright yellow eyes on something else. Donnie's eyes widened when it suddenly charged at Raph and lifted it's claws to aim a strike. Moving fast, Donnie rushed over and pushed his brother out of the way, hearing the angered howl of the wolf behind him.

Raph, unable to see what Donnie did, was surprised when his brother suddenly shoved him to the floor. "What the shell, Donnie!" He gasped, pushing his younger brother off of him. "Why'd you-" He stopped mid-sentence when he realized that Donnie was staring in the direction of his desk, eyes wide with now obvious fear.

"Donnie?" He repeated, now aware his brother was having the hallucinations.

Turning back to look at him, Donnie gave him a tense smile before asking  "Raph... You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Donnie, but-"

His brother suddenly jumped to his feet and grabbed Raph's arm, pulling him to his feet. "Raph! Raph, we have to move!" He shouted his eyes flickering from Raph to the unseen danger.

Raph shook his head and grabbed Donnie's shoulders, forcing his younger brother to face him. "Donnie, it's not real!"

Donnie paused, taking in what he was told, and then glanced back to the desk stammering. "I-I know... But-but the wolf it's-"

"I know it looks real, but I swear it's not." Raph replied gently leading his brother's face back so it faced his own. "Trust me, if this wolf you're seeing was real, do you really think I wouldn't be pounding it into the ground by now?"

Donnie realized that his brother was right and could see the firm, knowing look in his emerald eyes. Donnie forced himself to try and calm down, even though he could still hear the deep growling noises of the wolf in the background.

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