Chapter 12 - Not Fine

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Raph let out an impatient grunt as he crossed his arms, emerald eyes narrowing on his younger brother when he realized that Donnie seemed to have no plans on snapping back into the real world any time soon.

The genius seemed to be a million miles away and he wondered what he could have possibly been  thinking about that completely made him forget that they were supposed to be training.

Then again, after his comment about spending the night locked up in his lab, he figured that he was just plotting out new schematics or formulas for something with too long and complicated an explanation for the hothead's taste.

"Yo, Donnie." He spoke up, hoping to snap the younger turtle out of his daze. "You okay?"

Donnie blinked a few times and glanced up from the floor, seeming surprised to discover that he was standing in the middle of the dojo. Raph raised an eye-ridge when it seemed to take Donnie a moment to realize he had spoken.

Offering a quick, embarrassed smile instead of a response, Donnie turned his attention to his staff as Leo glanced in their direction. Before Raph had a chance to tell the leader to mind his own business, Mikey was already tackling him.

He gave an approving nod as Mikey's proud grin and turned his attention back to his sparring partner, who gave the staff an experimental spin and faced him. Raph removed his sais from their place on the back of his belt and smirked, warning Donnie that he wouldn't be leaving the dojo with his dignity intact.

When Donnie gave the expected groan, Raph didn't hesitate to charge towards him. Donnie ducked to the side to avoid his blow and Raph tried to hit him a second time, but Donnie managed to side-step him at the last second.

When he felt his brother's staff slam him in the shell, he stumbled forward a few steps before he regained his balance, slightly surprised by how weak the hit was. He didn't dwell on this too long, Donnie definitely hadn't been in peak condition recently, and he spun around, sais raised defensively as he prepared to deflect his brother's next attack... Which never came?

Raph lowered his sais when he realized that Donnie was just standing in place, his brown eyes glazed over, the previously distant expression now cloaked in shock. Raph studied him for a few seconds to make sure this wasn't some trick to make him lower his guard before walking over and waving a hand in his face. "Donnie? Earth to brani-"

Raph practically jumped out of his shell when Donnie choked out his name in a voice soaked with fear, throwing out both hands as though trying to block a blow and stumbling back.

Raph moved to grab his arm but the moment he made contact Donnie shouted again, yanking his arm from Raph's grip and scrambling back. Raph watched in shock as his brother lost his grip on the staff and tripped on the edge of the rug, his shell smacking into the wall behind him as he fell.


He instinctively cried out his brother's name as he knelt at his side, aware of his brother's labored breathing and the terror that covered his expression.

Raph was dimly aware of rapid movement behind him and knew they must have gotten their brother's attention, but he kept his attention on Donnie. He may have thought that Donnie was off in a world of his own before, but this seemed like something much, much worse.

He didn't seem to be conscious of anything happening around him, his pale face bearing the same look as a deer in headlights. Brown eyes foggy and dilated, he let out another choked cry as his entire body shook with a new strain.

Raph grabbed his arms when he began thrashing and held them against the wall, reacting on instinct to stop his delusional brother from hurting both him and himself. Donnie's entire body trembled for a few seconds before he suddenly went completely still and, though his brown eyes were cloudy, he seemed to look directly at him as he whispered. "R-Raph?"

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