Bro Against Bro

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"Hello, Donatello. Nice of you to finally join me."

Donnie stood frozen as he took in the smirking figure standing before him. He wasn't sure what to make of the creature, the fact it apparently knew his name, or that it had apparently been waiting for him.

Instead of giving in the confusion, Donnie began analyzing the creature.

The figure was completely black, almost seeming human if it wasn't for the fact it didn't look fully present. Its body was hazy and faded, Donnie could have sworn that he could swipe his hand and the figure would evaporate in front of him like smoke.

Its voice was something Donnie couldn't quite grasp. It was both soft and loud, gruff and smooth, firm, yet it seemed to echo about inside the room. Donnie winced slightly, disliking the fact it seemed to echoed about within his head, as well. The cackle it was giving out told Donnie it was extremely cocky.

The only thing that seemed somewhat normal, was the pupilless blood-red eyes that had fixed themselves upon him. The laughing suddenly stopped and the eyes narrowed, the figure taking a moment to hiss. "I am not an it, Donatello. It is rude of you to assume so."

And apparently it can read minds...

Giving him a disapproving look, Donnie replied. "I don't think that you have any room to speak. You have entered my home, refused to introduce yourself while showing you already know me, how much has yet to be determined, and you're trying to tell me, I'm at fault?"

The smirk returned, his eyes flashing wickedly as it showed Donnie the edges of its sharp teeth. Donnie watched him warily, wondering if he should remove his bo staff for defense. He decided against it, not having any idea of the creature's intent. Removing his staff could be seen as a threat and send the creature into the offensive.

"You have a point." He said knowingly, moving along the other side of the room. Donnie adjusted himself so he was always facing the black haze as he continued. "So how about I clear up some of the mystery. I am Daemonium Somnia, or in you natural tongue-"

"The Dream Demon." Donnie interrupted, eyeing the startled Demon thoughtfully. He was fluent in many languages, Latin being one of them, and never missed an opportunity to show others his intellect. Especially possible enemies. 

It always made them think twice about taking on the genius

"So... You're a demon...? I always assumed that they had horns."

The Demon instinctively touched its head and then looked over at Donnie, its expression amused. "Most do, but, as you can plainly see, I don't have a true form. I exist as your mind chooses to picture me."

"Then wouldn't I picture you with horns?" Donnie asked, his brain whirring as he tried to put together the pieces he was being handed.

"I was wondering about that myself." The Demon replied shrugging and fixing a thoughtful glance at Donnie. "But your mind is quite a puzzle, Donatello."

Donnie stayed silent and the Demon continued. "Tell me, Donatello, do you fear me?"

"No." Donnie replied immediately, his body tensing nervously at the question.

"Well, you should. " The Demon replied. "And by the time I'm done with you, you will!"

Donnie pulled out his bo staff as the Demon turned towards the hallway and snapped. Almost instantaneously, all of his brother's doors popped open and they walked out. Donnie froze when he saw that their eyes were completely black, their expressions blank and zombified.

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