Chapter Three

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"Just stay here, don't go out, don't do anything. Alec, watch your sister, I'm already late for work. As if I could afford to lose this job," She curses under her breath.

"I'm the older one, I don't need to be watched."

"Older by one year, I'm older in maturity," He stuck out his chin and crosses his arms.

"That doesn't even make sense."

"Enough, just do as I say. I should be home around six tonight," she sighs. "I'll have to call your father, just what I needed. I can already feel the headache coming on," She grabs her keys out of her purse.

Then with a quick kiss on each of our foreheads, she's out the door.

Speaking of headaches, my head's killing me. It feels like it weighs a ton. Not to mention my growing heartburn.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Just shut up and leave me alone," I push past him and go to my room.

"Well, what are you going to do?" He follows me.

"What do you mean?"

"You're one of them now, you have to go to Belmore."

"No, I don't, and I won't. No way I'm one of them."

"Emery, you're going to die."

"I feel fine," I lie.

"I'm scared," he admits.

"Just go play video games or something," I close the door to my room.

I just need to go to sleep. This all has to be some sort of crazy nightmare and once I wake up everything will be back to normal. It's probably because I got punched in the face too hard, that's all. A nap will take care of this whole situation.

A nap did not take care of the whole situation. How did I know? Well, I woke to Alec shaking me, he had tears in his eyes. I've never seen him like this, not once. Instantly I knew something was wrong.

I wanted to get up, to protect him. To be the big sister he needed, but the moment I tried to sit up I felt a wave of dizziness overtake me. My whole body ached and burned like my heartburn had spread to every organ and I was melting away on the inside. I'm drenched in sweat and my head almost feels too heavy to lift.

Alec has to catch me before I fall. I have to put all of my weight on him.

"Emery you need to go to Belmore," He cries.

"I'm fine," I said, but it came out as a pained whisper.

"I thought you were dead; you know how long I've been trying to get you to wake up? For the past half hour! I called mom."

"What time is it?"

"It's a little after five. It's about to be dusk so I came to check on you. We need to go, come on," He starts dragging me out of my room.

"No," I try to pull away but I'm too weak to fight him off.

He drags me out to my own car and sits me in the passenger seat. Then he gets in the driver's seat and buckles up.

"You don't know how to drive," I point out.

"Shut up, this is an emergency," He starts the car.

I could feel myself drifting in and out of consciousness, not even phased by how bad of a driver my brother is. He's crying, tears streaming down his face with little sobs escaping his lips every few seconds.

I was vaguely aware that the sun was setting in the distance and I heard sirens. Lots and lots of sirens.

"Stay with me Emery, please don't die," He sniffles and wipes his face with the sleeve of his jacket.

Casters (Book One: Star Caster)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora