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'Angeli Oscuri' translates to dark angels.


Their name is that of light and dark.

While among the shadows they lurk, commiting sins most would not dare to undertake; amid the daylight nobody would ever believe them to be the ones raising hellfire and trailing chaos in their path.

They're angels with the actions of a fighter, a mind of a thief and the duty of an assassin.

Being the eldest daughter of the don, Marcella D'Angelo wasn't a stranger to violence and crime. In fact, growing up she was eager to embrace her families legacy while succeeding in making a name for her own.

At the age of twenty-four she'd seen and experienced more things any woman would have at her age – or ever.

Working equally alongside her three closest friends, they trained to become one of the best and that they were.

However, when a job in the worlds biggest art museum almost gets them caught, her Father catches wind and finally draws the line at their increase in reckless behaviour – that if caught could not only put them but the family at risk.

Even the best have their faults – ones that cannot be afforded in their world, so he sends them away in hopes of teaching them to learn to be better. And despite their initial reservations they realise that being sent there may not have been as pointless as they'd originally thought.



#1 - This story will be written in ENGLISH despite the title and my characters being Italian. Though there will be dialogue in other languages I will include translations where necessary.

While I am half Italian myself, my translations aren't the best so if they're any mistakes please let me know so I can correct them.

#2 - This story is a MAFIA novel. It had nothing to do with Angels or anything fantasy related, that is just their alias.

#3 - Though this should be clear already, I've witnessed so many other authors receive abuse and hateful comments when it comes to things being realistic/representational or whatever when it comes to certain topics. So I just wanted to make it clear now in writing that this book is FICTION – something that has been created from my own imagination and it does not reflect on how Mafias/Gangs act in the real world.

#4 - My characters aren't perfect (clearly if they are in a bloody mafia) so their ideas, opinions, beliefs and whatnot do not reflect my own.

#5 - This book will be written from Marcella – the main character's – perspective, only the prologue will be in a third-person POV.



Buongiorno - Good morning

Buonanotte - Good night

Buonasera - Good evening

Ciao  - Hello & Bye

Sì - Yes

Nonna/Nonno - Grandma/Grandad

Zio/Zia - Uncle/Auntie

Per favore - Please

Grazie - Thank you

Babbo/Papà - Father/Dad

Porca miseria - For God's sake

Andiamo - Let's go

Dai - Come on

Caffè - Coffee

Vai - Now



Mature language/themes will be used within this story.



Instagram & TikTok: @adolescentsoulwrites 

Follow for more sneak peeks, edits and updates!



I'm not going to bother you with a long paragraph that most people won't even read, so I just want to quickly say thank you for choosing to read my story! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it and don't forget to vote, comment and let me know your thoughts! 🖤

Angeli OscuriWhere stories live. Discover now