~ the one when they're drunk

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Alex hums as she kneels down and examines the paint work on the table she's just finished, checking for any markings or scratches. She's got a few customers in town already, a few interested and a few with enquiries about using her for a few jobs. She's getting there - slowly. Still, even after 2 weeks she's still not sure about this place.

"Oh aunty Leeeeex." Cam sings as she comes in, green scrubs on still. "Can you watch this booger while I shower?" She helps J walk in.

Alex smiles. "Hey little man, course I can. You wanna help me paint?"

"Pat!" He shrieks, running over.

Cammy sucks her teeth. "You're cleaning him up."

"Of course." Alex laughs. "So what time do I have to be presentable for?"

"5 o'clock." She says, pulling her hair down. "I'll even come do your hair, gotta look nice for Chief."

"Oh grow up! He's a friend, we went for coffee once!" Alex defends as her friend leaves with a mischievous laugh. She rolls her eyes and moves the table outside to dry in the slight sunshine they seem to be having on this 4th of July - how long it'll last, she doesn't know.

She grabs a set of cabinets that need painting and sits with Jimmy, helping him think he's helping her paint. As she does, she thinks back to a few days ago when her and Charlie went for coffee.

Alex parks outside the coffee shop, checking her hair quickly. Charlie asked her along, probably to try get her to join the station, but she agreed anyways. Why? Who knows. She heads inside and smiles when she sees him sat at a table, two coffees already there. "Hi, sorry I'm late. J didn't wanna go in."

"No problem, I got you a coffee, I hope that's okay." He smiles up at her.

Alex sits down after she sets her jacket on the back of the chair. "No, that's perfect. Thank you." She takes a sip and looks at him.

He plays with his cup, a nervous habit she notes. "So how are you settling?" He asks awkwardly. He's not too good at starting conversations, but he's okay once he gets going.

"Good, actually. I got some business cards made up and a few people have passed them around." She smiles.

"Oh really? Give me a few and I can put some at the station." He says.

"Thank you, that would be awesome." She smiles. She senses he won't be saying much else right now so she takes a dive. "So, Cam said you have a daughter?"

"Yeah, I do. Isabella - Bella." He says, smiling; his eyes wrinkle as he smiles so wide, beaming with pride. It makes Lex smile. "Though she's almost 22 now and married."

"Oh, you're old then." Alex gasps playfully.

"What!? I am not!" Charlie scowls.

She laughs gently. "Did I hit a nerve?"

"Not at all. I'll have you know I'm only 45." He says. "I look good for my age."

"Yeah, you do." Alex says, not really thinking. Both of them end up blushing and slip into an awkward silence.

Alex recovered from her blurted remark, but it still haunts her now. "J, you're meant to be painting the wood!" She groans as he paints her hand.

"Pat!" He shrieks, pointing to her hand.

She shakes her head and laughs, just letting him paint whatever now. It's keeping him entertained. "Your mom's gonna kill me maybe I need to take my gun in with me later." She says, kissing his head.

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