~ the one where the storm falls

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"I know things are a bit tense with the family but let us help. Please." Bella says to her dad quietly as he cooks Alex breakfast.

Charlie sighs heavily, flipping the pancake. "No. She isn't due for another 3 weeks, let's get Christmas out of the way before we worry. I'm taking time off over Christmas, Stella will come then."

"Oh have you told her that? She cool with it?" Bella says sarcastically.

"This baby is staying put." Alex says as she waddles into the kitchen, huffing. "Even if I don't want her to."

Bella smiles. "I'm just worrying okay? There's quite a storm season coming and I don't want anything to go wrong."

Alex smiles warmly as she sits opposite Bella. "We're fine, I promise. Let's not stress your old man out too much more."

Charlie glares playfully as he hands her the plate. "Shut up, both of you."

"Stella!" Alex scolds as she rubs the side of her big belly. "Calm down."

"Is she kicking? Can I feel?" Bella asks excitedly.

Alex nods and eats as Bella leans over and feels; Stella kicks hard to the cold touch of her big sister. "She has her foot in my rib." She grumbles.

"That's a good thing, it means she's in the right position." Charlie kisses her head.

"Never did I think I'd ever hear my dad say anything about a baby's position and that he'd know there's a right and wrong." Bella shakes her head.

Alex grins as she kisses Charlie's arm. "He's already volunteered for night feeds. And daddy classes."

"I think it's sweet."

Charlie walks off, grumbling, all flustered. Bella laughs and looks at Alex, the woman stuffing her face. "Seriously... Please be careful. Just know one of us can get to you no matter what."

Alex swallows her mouthful. "I'll be okay, honest." She sips her coffee. "You worry more than your dad."

"That's my sister in there. And you're like a mom to me now so..." Bella shrugs, awkward as ever. "Anyway!" She says, standing. "I'm going to drop some presents round later for Stella, no arguments."

"Stella has en- Bella serio- ugh!" Alex calls, rolling her eyes as the only thing she's left with as Bella leaves is the sound of her laughter.

Alex shakes her head as she walks off to find Charlie, said man getting his boots on, sat on the stairs. "You like bullying me now were married." He grumbles.

She giggles and hands him his lunch. "Yes I do honey, but I enjoyed it just as much before. Be careful, please." She smiles sweetly.

Charlie stands and kisses her. "You too. Back to bed, no leaving the house." He orders.

Alex rolls her eyes and flips him off as he smiles cheekily through the door as he locks it. He waves and disappears down the drive, Alex waiting until he's gone before she leans over, exhaling hard. "I don't know what you're doing Stella but please stop!" She begs in a shaky voice. Her whole back hurts, her lower stomach. It feels like period cramps but worse than any she ever had.

Olly barks loudly, sensing her distress. "Shh, come on." She says, taking a few breaths as she straightens up. She manages to trick him into the dining room and closes the doors on him so he's stuck. With a deep breath she makes her way upstairs and runs a bath, her intentions to relax.

She glances out of the window, a weird feeling in her stomach as she sees the snow hammering down all of a sudden. She checks her phone to see a text from Charlie saying her got to the station okay, and one from Cammy ordering her to be safe and stay home.

The phone slips from her hand as she gets a sudden sharp pain, a cry leaving her lips. "No no no!" She groans, grabbing the side of the bath as she sways her hips. "No!" She whines again when it's passed. That had to be a contraction.

"You are staying put until your dad is off work and Christmas is out of the way, am I clear Stella Lou!" Alex snaps out loud. She turns the bath taps off and strips down before sinking into the water. "We have it all planned, okay? Dad will be here, big sister too. You'll come nice and easily at the hospital with no stress in mommy or daddy." She says, rubbing her belly. "And then we can be a family." A small smile spreads across her face as she says that. A family. Her family.

Alex has no luck with what she wants, and the talk didn't help. Over the next few hours, as the snow falls thick and fast and the roads ice up, the contractions begin to appear frequently. When they're about 5 minutes apart, she knows there isn't much choice.

Grabbing her phone as she sits on the exercise ball in the living room, she takes deep breaths while it dials. The signal is spotty as Bella answers. "He-lo?"

"It's time. I don't want it to be time but I-IT'S TIME." Alex groans as another contraction hits.

"I-ca-you." Bella's worried but broken up voice says over the phone.

Alex cries as she bounces. "It's time!"

"Al-" the line cuts out and Alex stares at her phone for a moment before she screams and throws it in a tantrum, the device smashing against the fireplace.

She's about to give birth alone, with no pain meds, no support incase her heart plays up, no Charlie, no Cammy. Nothing.

Why isn't she surprised?

She hauls herself up and walks to the window, internally analysing the risk of driving to Cammy or Charlie or anywhere where someone can help. But the snow its already blocking everything, several inches deep, and falling so thick and fast it's hard to see even  a few metres in front.

She sinks down and cries through the next bout of pain, on her hands and knees. There's a commotion as the door opens, snow blowing in, and Carlisle looks around. "Alex!?"

"No! Not you!" She cries. She's still so mad at him.

He rushes over. "Alex, come on, I'm the only one who could get here."

"No!!" She growls, pulling herself up again as she takes deep breaths. "I'm fine. She's gonna wait." She says adimently, beginning to pace.

Carlisle stays back, but watches her with a concerned expression. "You know I'd never do anything to harm you."

"You lied to me!" She snaps. "And almost caused Charlie to go to prison!" She growls, rubbing her belly.


"Tell her the truth." Esme says, suddenly stood by Carlisle.

Alex flinches - when and how did she get here? "I thought you were the only one who could make it." She snaps at Carlisle, glaring as she turns and walks away, pacing still. "And you, Esme, you've been avoiding me."

"I'd rather her hate me than you." Carlisle says lowly.

"I hate you both!" Alex snaps, squatting down as she gets another contraction. She knows they're minutes apart now.

Esme steps over, her eyes full of guilt. Alex straightens up and looks at her as she sways her hips. "I took John." Esme whispers, Alex's whole expression changing, going blank. "I... I thought it was about time to stand up for you. I couldn't do it myself with my ex husband but I could do it for you. So I went to Rosalie who also has issues with men like him and... And we hunted him. It was relatively easy..." Esme shrugs small.

Alex is frozen for a moment before she grabs the first thing she can - a heavy vase off the mantle - and launches it at Esme. The other woman doesn't flinch as it shatters against her, causing a mess on the floor. "I'm sorry." She simply whispers.

"GET OUT!!!" Alex screams, anger coursing through her already adrenaline filled veins. Her heart races and she sweats heavily, her whole body shakily.

Carlisle steps forward and catches her. "Esme leave!" He orders, laying Alex on the couch as her entire body shakes.

"What's happening!?" Esme panics.

"She's having a seizure. Go, get me whatever medical supplies I have at the house and try and get Charlie here. Now!" He yells when she doesn't move.

Esme takes one last look at Alex and rushes out, more guilt ridden than ever before. What has she done?

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