~ the one with a shotgun wedding

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"You're going to pop."

Alex glares at Cammy as she stretches to put her boot on. "Don't just stand there!"

Cammy laughs and kneels down, tying her laces for her. "Okay, okay. You helped me 4 times, I suppose I can help this one."

"You're an ass. A real ass." Alex says, trying to zip her coat up. She leans her head back holding in tears. "I'm so fat!" She cries.

Cammy holds in her laugh as she pulls her friend close. "Hey now come on, you're not. You're very pregnant." She says, rubbing her back.

"I still have 6 weeks to go how can I get any bigger?" Alex sniffles, wiping her cheeks. "I can't sleep, I can't do my own shoes, I can't even take Olli for a walk!"

"But it will all be worth it, baby, I promise." Cam promises her best friend. "Let's walk you home and I'll make you a coffee."

"Better be a real coffee." Alex grumbles, making her way outside. Cammy links arms with her and they make their way down the street to Alex and Charlie's.

"What are you guys going to do about getting married?" Cammy asks casually.

Alex chokes on air, stopping walking. "Excuse you!?!"

Cammy grins. "What? I'm just asking. Haven't you guys talked about it?"

"Not exactly, no!"

"Like you never talked about babies... And here we are." Cam says as she nudges Alex's big belly.

Alex slaps her friends hand away roughly. "I'm not getting married again. It ruins things."

"You think getting married ruined John? Honey, he was fucked up since birth. It wasn't you." Cam says.

Alex huffs. "I know that." She mutters kicking some snow. "I just don't think it's a good idea."

"Neither are kids but here you-ow okay I'm sorry!" Cam laughs as her best friend shoves her. "Children are blessings even when they shit everywhere and ruin your life."

"You're really not selling it for me and I can't back out now, Camilla!"

Cammy laughs more.

Charlie raises an eyebrow as they come in. "Hey ladies, didn't expect to see you so soon."

"Nor you. Too cold for you?" Cam sasses.

Mick rolls his eyes. "The lake is frozen, we can't fish. You have so much sass, no wonder our kids are always in trouble."

Alex pulls a face as they get all cuddly. "If we get like that, shoot me." She says as she sits beside Charlie on the couch.

He wraps an arm around her. "Deal. How's Stella girl?"

Alex rubs her belly. "Making her mom fat. Hi buddy." She coos as Olli climbs in her - he's definitely too big now but she doesn't care.

"6 weeks and counting." Charlie grins as he places a hand by hers on her tummy. "Were ready when you are, Stella."

"Do you have your birthing plan set?" Cam asks as her and Mick sit on the armchair together.

"I did. Then we got a blizzard in November so who knows." Alex looks out of the window; she isn't due till Christmas but here they are, a blizzard in November making it feel like time. It's got her in edge for some reason.

"You'll be fine." Charlie promises. "Micks gonna take over again for a while over the holidays so I can be home incase, no blizzard will stop me being here." He promises, kissing her head.

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