~ the one with no more secrets

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"I'm fine Cam, I swear. I'm back home, I'm sorry for running. Kiss the boys for me and tell Mick to update me as soon as he hears anything. Love you too." Alex says as she paces Carlisle's fancy office/library. Her hand is on her throat trying to soothe the pain from where Bella gripped it.

Esme watches her hang up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She lies, running a hand through her hair. "Is there bathroom?" She asks urgently.

"Down the hall." Esme nods.

Alex runs out and down the hall, slamming the door - she doesn't mean to, but she'd rather make it to the toilet to throw up than do so over the very white and clean floor. She cringes and flushes, rinsing her mouth out before she washes her hands. So the last few days of this must mean this is her 'morning sickness' then. Fantastic.

She dries her hands and quietly makes her way back to the office, her cold hand on her forehead as she gets a hot flush. She sees Carlisle talking to Esme as she enters, both looking over. She stops in the doorway. "What are you."

Carlisle sighs small. "Normally we'd move before humans get close enough to guessing who we are but with Bella still having family around makes it hard..." He mutters quietly. His warm eyes look into Alex's frightened ones. "I won't say the actual term since that is breathing the rules, but technically I can get away with calling us night walkers as some of your human culture wo-"

"Vampires? Are you fucking kidding me?" Alex snaps, backing up.

"Vegetarians, if that helps." Esme says quietly.

"Oh sure!" Alex snaps, glaring.

"While you digest that news, may I check you over? Bella gripped your throat pretty rightly and your heart was beating erratically." He asks. He sees how apprehensive she looks. "Alex, I'm a doctor before I'm anything else. Regardless of what I am, I can still do my job. Please."

She gives one tense nod and only steps a little closer. Carlisle closes the distance and gently tilts her head back, examinging the bruise forming around Alex's under-jaw area and upper throat. "She could have killed me couldn't she?" Alex whispers.

Carlisle nods once. "Yes. Very easily. But she didn't, she never would have."

"I'm pretty sure you broke the law back there." She mutters.

"I think breaking confidentiality was okay in that situation." Esme says as she watches Carlisle feel Alex's pulse through her wrist. He always says feeling it while hearing it helps him.

"You're okay but take a seat, Esme will grab you some water." Carlisle says.

Esme disappears as Alex slowly sinks into the comfy looking couch in his office. She brings her head into her hands as she exhales slowly, running her hands through her hair as she lifts her head to look up at him. "Can you help Charlie?"

"Edward and Jasper have gone to see what the situation is and once we know, I'm sure we can help. Money, contacts, support - we'll help." He promises, leaning on his desk.

"I don't want charity-"

"It wouldn't be. Bella would never leave her father defenseless, either." He smiles small. "How did he react to the news?"

"I didn't get chance to tell him." Alex whispers, looking at some of the paintings on the wall the door sits on. "He was working yesterday and today didn't seem right. I was going to tell him this evening, I guess, but that ended abruptly." She laughs coldly, no humour in it.

"I'm sorry." Carlisle frowns small.

Esme holds a glass of water out to Alex who takes it and whispers her thanks. She sips the drink gently and sets it on the table beside her. "Is that you?" She asks, changing the subject.

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