New Foes - Chapter 2

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Dearest lord Fletcher,

We are sorry to write so urgently to you at such a short time, but we need you to come to Corcillum palace immediately to me, as a dangerous threat has come to our notice.

yours sincerely,

King Harold.

The letter was no joke - at least, Fletcher didn't see it that way. He was racing at top speeds to the grand palace located in central Corcillum. The wind roughly beat at his face, making him lean into Ignatius' neck. Soon, he arrived and bounced off his drake and rushed in past the main gates. Then, two fully armed guards stepped in front of him before he could blast through the grand doors. They gruffly shoved him back. Ignatius caught up and sensed his master's annoyance, and started growling at the two soldiers. They both shared shocked expressions as it dawned on them who exactly was standing in front of them. One of the guards faces turned a rosy, pink colour.

"Sorry, your lord, we didn't know that was you. The rest of the lords and importants are waiting inside the throne room." He mumbled, looking at his boots. They stepped aside and pushed the door open for Fletcher. He got a bad stomach of nerves at what the guard said. 'Lords and importants'? This meeting was more serious than he thought, and he saw it as extremely serious before. The throne room doors sprawled in front of him. He stopped, hand on the furnished oak, and took a deep breath. Ignatius nuzzled his hand in reassurance. Fletcher smiled, braced himself, and walked in.

A huge, round, quartz table squatted in the middle of the room, people seated around it. They all turned to see who walked in, and Fletcher saw relief in some faces, impatience in others. King Harold beckoned him over to a seat near him. Fletcher nimbly sat down beside Seraph and Othello.
"Ah, Fletcher, you're here. That's good. now we're only waiting on a couple more." The King declared, as icy silence descended apon the room. Fletcher looked around at the other figures around the table. He saw Sylva and her father across him. She gave him a small wave, and he happily returned it, then shook hands with Seraph and Othello. He also noticed Tarquin, Isadora, Ophelia Faversham, Arcturus, Elaine and old King Alfric. So who were they waiting on?
His answer came soon enough, as Zacharias Forsyth and Damian Rook strode in, with crisp new robes. It was evident in most of the others faces that this was news. They should be rotting in a jail cell, not attending important meetings in fancy clothes! Alfric was smiling widely and they took seats beside Tarquin. Harold then stood up and clapped his hands at the small crowd.
"Thank you all for coming on such a short notice. But I can assure it's for a sensible reason. We've been attacked by a new force." Gasps echoed the room, and the elves and Ophelia looked on grimly, as well as captain Lovett and Arcturus. Harold continued.
"They seem to be different than orcs or goblins. here is a body brought back by a member of our guard."
A large metal cart was pushed in by a servant, who left quickly. Fletcher thought back to being shown the goblin body, before being sent out to destroy the eggs. A dark blanket covered a hulking form under it. Harold whisked it away to reveal the creature.

It was easily six and a half feet, smaller than an orc, but larger than an goblin. It was purplish blue in colour, and stony armour that covered its torso, shoulders, and nether regions. Blacky-grey hair was atop its head, and pointy, serrated teeth adorned its mouth. It had dangly, fat ears and nose, thick, muscled limbs and black fingernails. It was a monster.
"what is that!?" Cress asked, a tremble in her voice. Fletcher didn't want to know. It was ghastly.

"With careful thought to the matter, we have given the species a name." King Harold paused, took a breath, and stated;

"We have decided to call it a troll."

At that moment, a guard burst through the doors in a similar fashion that Fletcher had done earlier. He was panting for breath and leant on the frame for a moment.

"Your...Majesty....the south's...under attack....... "He managed to wheeze out. Fletcher, Othello, Slyva, Harold, Arcturus and Lovett leapt to their feet.

"We've got to help!" Arcturus said, and Elaine summoned Lysander. Ignatius, who had previously been lounging at Fletcher's feet, stood up excitedly, and fletcher hopped on. Sylva looked at him, and he nodded at her. She hopped on behind him. Arcturus summoned Buck and helped Othello on.

"Go. I'll send more soldiers to aid you all." Harold smiled gratefully at them, as Isadora scowled from the quartz table. And with that, they took off.

They flew fast and fearless to the borders of the orc rainforest in the south.
Fletcher was very aware of slyva holding his waist. One part of him was especially interested. God, he hoped no one would notice. Unfortunately, Ignatius did, and let out a snorty chuckle. Fletcher then remembered the fact that Sylva didn't have a demon. Sariel was killed in the pyramid, and Captain Lovett took Lysander back when Arcturus needed Buck. He felt sorry for her, and slightly concerned for her position in the coming battle. They would get her a new demon at the closest possible time. She quite liked flying now, so at least that was a start. He glanced around to see how the rest of them were doing. Arcturus looked stressed, probably due to the orc forest getting closer at every wingbeat they took. Captain Lovett looked more relaxed than her husband, even though there was still concern in her face. Behind Arcturus, Othello was holding on for dear life, fearfully looking down at the distant ground. He looked terrified. Soon, the roaring river that divided Hominum and the orc jungle came into view, and the roaring of guns and the clashing of steel flooded their ears. they landed abruptly; poor Othello was thrown off to the muddy ground. they dismounted and summoned the rest of their loyal demons. In a large, combined flash of light, Athena, Valens, Solomon, Pria, and Sacharissa formed into their world. The heroes drew out their weapons, and charged.

Fletcher rushed in, Ignatius and Athena following close behind. An orc and his nanaue awaited them, and fletcher swung his khopesh at its knees, striking a swift blow, and thick blood spurted everywhere. It roared in pain and swung for him with a obsidian studded club. Fletcher pulled his khopesh out of the beefy leg and dodged, seeing his demons battling the nanaue. He grunted back at the orc, and drew out one of his pistols. He aimed it at the orc's fat, heavy chest and fired twice. It lurched at both impacts, and fell back with a soundless yell. He heard a screech of a pained demon, and saw that Athena was tearing at the shark demon's eyes while Ignatius breathed fire on its unprotected torso. It collapsed at the sheer pain. Then, Fletcher was roughly yanked back by his hair, the pain enough to make his eyes water. Another orc was now wrapping a thick arm around him and lifting Fletcher off his feet. It attempted to grab his neck and strangle him, but a dark blur jumped up and tore a chunk out of the orc's arm. Fletcher pushed out with all his might, grabbed his discarded khopesh and spun around quickly. The blur that had torn into the orc's arm was now battling the furious ,now one armed creature. A man was with the demon, and Fletcher quickly recognised them as Sacharissa and Arcturus.

"Me an' Sacha's got this one covered, Fletcher, go help the rest!" Arcturus yelled, and his hippolectryon reared up and struck the orc powerfully. Fletcher mind-called Ignatius and Athena as he ran for a howling anubid with an armoured orc. He saw Othello battling the creature. He seemed to be having difficulty, with Solomon battling a completely different opponent that was trying to get to Othello. Fletcher raised his second pistol and fired at the oncoming anubid and hit home, killing it quickly. then fletcher and his demons ran to help his friends.

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