Chapter 17

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" We made it guys" Kawamura says opening the door to his family restaurant " hello again Kawamura's dad" I said waving at him. " Ah it's nice to see you again" he says a big smile on his face while all the Seigaku boys look between us confused. " ha I came in here earlier in the day when I was chased" I say " I still can't believe people chased after our chibi princess" Kikumaru whines about to grab me in another bear hug. I move out of the way before I could be tackled, grabbing Ryoma's hand so he could sit down next to me. 


Rhode's POV~

When I and Ryo finally sit down, I look over at him and he has a red hue on his cheeks. " Are you already getting sick! It just started raining, how the heck!" I exclaim putting my hand to his forehead checking his temperature. " Oh goodness your hot" I say surprised " Kawamura's dad can I get a wet rag please!" I ask. " What's wrong Rhode" momo questions looking between me and Ryoma.

" He's feeling hot already I think it's from being out in the rain" I reply Momo smirks looking at Ryoma. I look between the two confused watching as Ryoma's cheeks grow redder by the second. " What are you guys doing" I question as they keep talking with their eyes. " Oh, nothing you need to worry about Rhode" Momo snickers looking away from us. I tilt my head at him confused at what just went on. But that thought goes away for now as food is set down on our table by Kawamura and his father. 

"Thank you!" I exclaimed along with the boys. "Inui-senpai did you get a regime ready for me?" I question stuffing another roll of sushi in my mouth. Inui pishes up his glasses grabbing his notebook out of his tennis bag. " Yes, I have and it should help with your height also" he says flipping through the notebook, handing it over the table to me. " Oh cool!" I say grabbing it and reading all the information he has collected. 

Ryoma's POV~

I watch as Rhode reads the information Inui-senpai has collected. Reaching for more sushi, my hand was grabbed by Momo-senpai. " So Ryoma.. when were you gonna tell me you have a crush on Rhode" Momo whispers luckily he's right next to me. I elbow him in the stomach. My eye twitching " I do not" I whisper back. 

Momo leans back a huge smile on his face, he's about to do something stupid. Before he can I stuff shrimp into his mouth before he does anything. He begins to choke, as I sit down grabbing my drink. Oishi and Kikumaru look over at Momo who finally swallows the sushi. They sweat at the sight. " You should eat slower Momo" Oishi states acting like a mom. 

Momo glares in my direction, gulping down the water. I smirk at him turning back to my plate. " So Rhode why did you not come at the same time as Ryoma when he came to Japan?" Kikumaru questions resting his face in his hands. "Oh because I got sick when Ryoma was leaving, and my dad said to stay home" Rhode answers pouting. "It sucked I wish I was here for the matches Ryo told me about them and they sounded fun" Rhode said tucking a piece of loose hair behind her ear. 

"How come your dad didn't come with you to Japan" Fuji questions " He has his own business in America and couldn't get any time off, so I am living with Ryo which I am happy about. I haven't seen Ryo in six years" Rhode replies. " Oh wow quite a long time," Momo says whistling at the end. "What does your dad do?" Fuji adds " hmm he is the CEO of a tennis organization called Cerberus" Rhode says sipping a bit of her drink. " Wait what?! Cerberus!" Momo exclaims and everyone looks at Rhode their jaws hitting the table.  

" Ah, I didn't tell you guys? I thought I did" Rhode says tapping her index finger on her chin. Inui starts writing down information. While the rest shake their head no. " Hehe sorry!" Rhode nervously laughs rubbing the back of her head. " Yeah, that's why I am also here in Japan. My dad thought it would be good for me to compete somewhere else plus see my best friend!" Rhode says a smile on her face. 

" Ah I see now" Oishi hums grabbing a piece of sushi. " I can not wait to see all my senpais competing" Rhode says swaying side to side in excitement. " Yeah watch and learn from me Rhode" Momo exclaims puffing out his chest. I roll my eyes at his actions. " What will be learning Momo-senpai" I question taking a sip from my cup. Momo looks at me frazzled. " Just watch Ryoma! You will learn!" Momo exclaims while I hear Rhode chuckle from beside me. " We should be heading out now" Tezuka says pushing up his glasses. 

Oishi nods his head in approval. Everyone starts to stand up bowing to Kawamura's dad all saying thank you for the food. " Haha, good luck kids" Kawamura's dad exclaims to us. " Rhode race you home" I say looking behind me to see Rhode grabbing her bag. " Well I will wait for you at home then" Rhode exclaims running right past me. She also says goodbye to everyone she passes. " Go get her Ryoma" Momo yells then laughing at the end. ' I should take a shortcut' I thought taking a detour to the house. 

As I round multiple corners I finally round the last one. I then see Rhode at the end of the street running. Her mouth falls open when she sees me come out of an alley. " You cheater!" Rhode yells at me waving her fist. A smile makes its way onto my lips as I touch the gate of the house.

 " I was waiting so long for you Rhode" I snicker opening the gate waiting for her to enter. She jogs up to the gate and punches my shoulder lightly. " Ryo you never told me that there is another way to your house" Rhode whines. " Guess I forgot" I chuckle as she frowns at me. 

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