Chapter 11

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3rd person pov~ English is bold

The sound of an alarm clock wakes Rhode making her grab her phone swiping the screen turning off the alarm also seeing the time at 6:30, slowly stretching taking off the warm blanket Rhode slides of the cozy bed on to the cold ground. Rhode than gets dressed in work out attire tying her hair up in a ponytail, she then grabs her tennis bag opening the door of her bedroom and heading down the stairs to the kitchen, she then grabs her red water bottle filling it with water. 

She writes a note real quick saying she is 'going out to play some tennis', jogging down the hallway she sits down on the stairs putting her water bottle in her bag and putting on her shoes also, Rhode than gets up opening the door but grabbing her skateboard and quietly shutting the door making sure not to make a sound. 

Rhode closes the door jogging out to the street making sure to shut the gate door, she then puts down her skateboard kicking off to the tennis court area. She makes it but failing to notice people are watching her even taking photos of her posting them online. 

(time is now 7)

Finally, noticing the forming crowd that is behind her. She then walks to a bench seeing as they follow her, she takes off running to a bathroom everyone following. Rhode circles the bathroom getting in it finally, she gets into a stall locking it dropping her bag to the floor unzipping her bag pulling out a black wig and a contact case, she proceeds to put them on not caring about makeup seeing as she needs to get out of this situation fast. 

Rhode's pov~ time now 7:20 school starts at 8:10

I spot a window above the bathroom I climb on top of the toilet and open it once it opens fully, I slip my bag out the window dropping it to the ground. I poke my head out to see if the coast is clear seeing nobody only a few people. Jumping down not noticing that my wig got caught by the window, pulling it off my head also not seeing a girl and guy running towards where I am. 

I stick the landing looking up seeing the two people yelling for the crowd, everyone starts running towards me. I quickly grab my wig plus bag and take off running not really looking where I'm going, I get far enough sometimes hiding but then getting found when I finally get away looking behind me just to make sure.

 I slam into something or someone which causes me to fall on my butt rubbing my forehead I look up to see, Hyotei tennis team  'why me' I thought standing up "whoa calm down there... Marie?" Atobe says/asks "um.. oh hi Atobe-kun" I stutter looking up at him " when did you dye your hair Marie?" Atobe questioned looking at me than looking at the wig in my hand.

 " Well... um, how do I say this...Help" I say once I see the crowd had finally caught up to me I get up quickly running behind Atobe having the team watch my actions, they understand the situation now. Atobe raises his arm up in the air snapping it the crowd quiets quickly, " leave the poor girl alone now or else" Atobe demands glaring at everyone very slowly the crowd disperses. 

"*Sigh* thank you Atobe-kun I just wanted to play tennis before school" I said walking out from my hiding spot which was behind him. "Your certainly welcome, princess" Atobe says bowing a bit as people in plays do, I start rubbing my eyes the contacts are bothering me my eyes are really dry from running around.

I take out my contact case turning around having my back face the guys I start to take the contacts outputting them away in the case, turning back around to them I rub both my eyes slowly opening them." Sorry, about that needed to take the contacts out they were really dry from running" I said scratching the back of my head a bit smiling shyly.

The boys blush lightly looking away from me, clearing their throats then looking back at me " that's fine" Shishido says looking at the floor " oh um do one of you know the time?" I ask Oshitari looks at his watch saying 7:50 " what that late man going to be absent for the first time not because of the tennis team this time but who cares I hate school " I said pouting a bit but smirking after. 

"Ore-sama needs to know why they were chasing you, Marie?" Atobe asks getting everybody's attention " well they were chasing me because I'm Rhode Ryans the princess of the court and the girl who won 6 years in a row in America in a big championship" I explain to all of them they all froze in place. 

' It's not really a big deal you guys ' I thought staring at them blankly waiting for them to overcome their shock "YOUR RHODE RYA... " before they could finish their screaming I quickly glare at them making them stop. " We are not doing the crowd thing again ok" I said still glaring they cower away but understand what I'm meaning, " ok then now since I have to miss school may I verse someone please" I asked tilting my head to the side doing puppy eyes " ore-sama approves pick whoever " Atobe says getting a hint of red on his cheeks.

'These boys better not be getting sick Seigaku has to verse them this upcoming match in a couple of days, I shouldn't tell them what school I'm at if they ask' I thought smirking a bit at the end. I lift up my hand and point at the male who is sleeping on the bench "him the sleeping beauty" I answered with a smirk knowing fully well who he is, kabuji walks over to him after Atobe jabs his elbow into him motioning for him to wake the sleeping beauty.

 Kabuji wakes the male up the said male slowly wakes up looking around confused "yes?" Jirou asks sitting up " will you do the honor of versing me in a match," I ask " yeah sure versing Rhode Ryans will be amazing " jirou replies smiling while rubbing his eyes fully awake now. 

" This will just be a short match it will only be to 40 if you don't mind" I said/ask "fine by me" Jirou says shrugging a bit " Smooth or rough" I ask stretching " um rough" Jirou replies also stretching I spin the racket it landed on rough "your turn and I'm not going easy on you " I said putting my racket on my shoulder smirking.

 We get into positions Jirou throws the ball up into the doing a jump serve I run to where the ball will be and return it we rally for a few minutes until I back him into the baseline using my special move nova, a bright light appears but when it appears it disappears quickly. Everyone was stunned they were confused about where the ball went but it was answered when they heard bouncing Jirou, looks down near his feet seeing the ball rolling. 

"love-15, Rhode leading " Gakuto says sweat dropping at what just happened, jirou shakes off the confusion but shutters a bit when he sees an evil smirk. 


Cliffhanger!!!!! 😁

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