Chapter 15

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Rhode whistles as it keeps spinning, " you got a good move their Ryoma but I'll beat it after playing it more often " Rhode says turning to look over at Ryoma. A crazy look in her eyes Ryoma just gulps at her, " let's keep playing " Rhode says walking behind the line ready to serve.


3rd person pov~

Rhode bounces the tennis ball a couple of times, throwing it up into the air. She twists her body a little hitting the ball which causes more spin to happen, it goes over the net disapearing before Ryoma even hits the ball. The tennis ball makes a dark spot on the ground behind Ryoma before splitting in half rolling in different directions. 

Ryoma looks at it disappointed not being able to hit the serve back to Rhode, " mada mada dane Ryo" Rhode says with a smirk on her face " but you can't hit my drive B Rhode" Ryoma adds a small smile on his face. Rhode looks to see sakuno sitting down at a bench behind the fence " hey Sakuno who has a better technique me or Ryo" Rhode asks resting her racket on her shoulder. 

Sakuno looks between the two baffled by the question, Sakuno twirls her hair as Rhode walks up to the fence where Sakuno is. Ryoma sighs walking over to the two curious about who has a better technique, Rhode quirks a brow at Sakuno "well who do you think is better his drive B or my serve that I am calling Orion " Rhode says. Sakuno looks between the two in deep thought, " both of your moves are awesome I can't choose" Sakuno says her face turning red from embarrassment. 

Rhode chuckles " it's fine Sakuno I know you don't want to hurt Ryoma's feelings, " Rhode says smirking at the end of her sentence, Sakuno's cheeks grow darker she squeaks running away from the two. Rhode looks back at Ryoma " you scare off a lot of people Ryo it's probably your face" Rhode chuckles, Ryoma rolls his eyes at her " let's keep playing " Ryoma says. 

Rhode walks back over to the other side of the court, " are you ready Ryo here comes my serve" Rhode says getting ready to do her serve Orion. She bounces the ball a couple of times throwing it into the air, twisting her body a bit letting the ball have a little more spin. Ryoma watches where it will land, running over to the spot before it disappears he tries to hit it. Ryoma grunts as he watches it disappear before his eyes, as it leaves a mark behind him splitting in half. 

Ryoma grabs the brim of his hat lowering it down to his eyes, " it's fine Ryo you'll get it soon... maybe" Rhode says shrugging a smirk on her face. Ryoma throws a tennis ball he had in his pocket at Rhode, she blocks it with her racket before it even touches her. Rhode's smirk grows bigger at Ryoma she bounces the ball on the rim of her racket, Ryoma narrows his eyes at her a pout coming to his lips. 

" Hey you two stop playing around and practice" Momo yells across the court, everyone stops what they were doing to look at the two. " Sorry " Rhode yells back her cheeks turning red from the attention, she turns around away from all the eyes Ryoma chuckles at her " Ryo stop laughing " Rhode whisper/yells throwing the tennis ball back at Ryoma. 

Rhode touches her cheeks feeling how warm they are, "this is embarrassing " Rhode says going back to the line of the court Ryoma does also.  Ryoma chuckles more at Rhode's flustered face. "Ryo can you stop chuckling " Rhode yells glaring at Ryoma, he quickly stops his small smile on his face looking away from her as his cheeks turn red.  

Rhode bounces the ball twice " get ready to lose Ryo" Rhode exclaims she throws the ball up, twisting her body as she comes in contact with the tennis ball. Ryoma stays behind watching the location the ball will land, as it hits the ground it jumps to another spot before splitting Ryoma runs over but is too late when it splits in half leaving a mark. 

Ryoma clicks his tongue as he stares at the spot racking his brain on how to beat this new serve. " Can't figure it out Ryo" Rhode says tilting her head to the left a small smirk on her face. Ryoma looks up at Rhode a squints his eyes, " don't be mad Ryo you'll get it soon... probably" Rhode's smirk grows. Rhode looks up at the sky seeing that the clouds are growing darker, " hey Ryo I think it's about to rain " Rhode says pointing to the sky. 

Ryoma looks up to see the same thing he then looks back down at Rhode nodding his head, " do you want to start packing up besides we can play in the rain at home" Rhode says shrugging. Ryoma does a quick nod walking in her direction when Ryoma stands next to Rhode he stares at her face, " what Ryo" Rhode asked quirking a brow at Ryoma. " Your face is still red " Ryoma stated Rhode stares at him flustered by his comment " Ryo why do you need to point that out" Rhode hissed putting her hands to her cheeks. 

Ryoma smiles at Rhode's reaction " stop smiling at my embarrassment " Rhode demanded glaring at Ryoma. "Let's go home Rhode " Ryoma says walking pass Rhode she runs after Ryoma jumping up and stealing his hat she then puts his hat on sticking her tongue out at him before taking off. Ryoma runs after her but right when he was about to grab his hat back lightning crackles across the sky. 

" Everyone practice is cut short see you tomorrow" Tezuka yells the Seigaku tennis team all take off to the locker room, " ha did that scare you Ryo" Rhode says looking at Ryoma a smirk on her lips. Ryoma looks at Rhode and swipes his hat off her head he then walks into the boy's locker room to grab his stuff, Rhode runs into the girl's locker room grabbing her stuff and runs out watching as it begins to sprinkle. 


I might start drawing the art because I want Rhode to be in there also so... yeah :)!!

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