Devious, Indeed

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"That's it" screamed a frustrated writer, grabbing her fan fiction so far she threw it in the burning fireplace. I'm sorry Kyung Mi, the writer cried softly, good bye.....And with a flourish she threw away her dramatic story. The end is only the beginning she concludes.

We shall begin anew dear assistant! She declared triumphantly.

Her passed out assistant merely continued to snore away.

Perhaps I need to be louder the young author decides. Clearing her throat she begins anew.

"We shall begin anew dear ASSISTANT."

Maybe she's dead...? The author shrugs her shoulders and pivots on her right ankle to meet the door. Her efforts of creating an angelic aura around the sinister vigilante group had all gone to vain. Lugging out a heavy sigh the downtrodden author leaves her home for the first time in months.

The sky had never looked so beautiful she realized, a spectacular cyan bloomed against the sky. She smiled at the flowers who merely swayed in greeting. Although the fiction she was writing was a tremendous flop she was still alive and that in itself was a great wonder indeed. Now you may be wondering what exactly is going on...well then let's go back approximately 7 months ago shall we....?

7 months ago.......

"Report to the head editor, he would like to have a word with you," the red headed receptionist muttered as she passed by my desk.

This better not be about yesterday's scoop, dear gods I prayed.

With each step towards their office my heart beat faster, my palms began to sweat, my skin began to burn, and my anxiety spiked. After the 14 most agonizing steps of my life, I swear, I have walked all the way up Alipiri a 12km 3550 stepped path to a temple and walked down Srivari mettu of 2388 steps in 1 day. That says just how agonizing it was for me to arrive at my boss's office.

As I slowly moved my hand up to knock the door swung open and I felt hot coffee pour all over my face.



I wiped as much of the hot coffee of my face as possible, but the damage was done. My pride hurt. I began to glare at the man who had poured his hot coffee all over me, with my best impression of Hisoka's 'you're going to die face'.

"I am so sorry," he frantically apologized bowing like a madwoman, "please forgive me?" He then ran away with tears streaming down his face.

Was I really that scary?

Noticing the red handprint across his right cheek, the wedding ring, wait make that 2. Looks like homeboy here a player. Wait a moment is that a girl in the wedding picture....very interesting....isn't she the gal he brought in for last week's office party..Casually sliding my hand into my pocket I hit the record button. Juicy scoop.

"Boss who is he?" I wondered out loud.

"My husband," he replied somberly with a grimace.

"Nice," I smile, "now if you don't mind you're going to let me work as journalist from home and I'm going to create wonderful book about the good in our world."


"Who said you have a choice, dear boss? After such a tremendous display, all caught on tape, you have nothing else to say or else your pretty little wife finds out who you do behind. Closed. Office. Doors." I victoriously smirk.

"Now while you're at it, toss in an extra 20 grand," I wink, "for research purposes."

And that my friends is blackmail 101....

The head editor looks absolutely pale, his legs were shaking looking as if he were about to piss right there.

"Bye, dear, see you next week," I called mischievously wiggling my fingers, quite well aware that his wife had just arrived on the scene. Why not put on a show for the miserable hardworking blokes?

I love causing trouble.

Excusing myself swiftly I saunter over to my desk making sure to grab my belongings and to toss them in black bag. A spare that's precisely what I'll need for the next part of my task.

Rushing into the restroom with my backpack I hurriedly change out of my white blouse and black pencil skirt into a flow yellow sunflower dress and I release my hair from a tight bun and Voila! I look like my age again.

Now that that's set, a little bit of chapstick and I am ready to move out.

Ding! I check my phone to see the 20 grand neatly transferred over to my account. How lovely.

Now you maybe wondering why I screamed with such over exaggeration, call that a small prank. The coffee was lukewarm at best.

It was pretty obvious that the cute boy who had ran out would come back to apologize to me later, he didn't seem like someone who would run away from their problems, which results in free food! Yay!

Very devious, I'm well aware.

Now that I got what I was asking for, time to pay the boss's wife a little visit. Cheaters simply shouldn't be allowed to continue being happy.

Once I reached an approximate distance of 5 feet from the glass sliding doors of FOX News, I waited until she passed by me. In that moment of weakness I could wirelessly transmit the recording to her anonymously. It would show up in her messages tomorrow evening. Biding my time with Candy Crush I waited.

"You really didn't cheat on me with her, did you?" A sniveling woman whimpers in the head editor's arms.

I smirk, here's my chance. Opening the program I built, I began to wirelessly transmit the data. Waiting until they passed me by, so not to seem suspicious, I continued playing on my phone with my sunglasses covering my identity.

Perfect, aren't I?

Now that that minor task is over, time to sit in the lobby waiting for that cute boy to come back.

I returned inside the building and began to work on my other program. The purpose of this program was to create, essentially, a black card that would pay for anything and everything while taking the money earned from running an illegal drugs trade underground. No one should be able to track me if this program succeeds.

Hearing footsteps I quickly switch to candy crush and continue my previous level.

"Excuse me, I am so sorry about what happened earlier, can we you please forgive me? We can discuss this over lunch, if your free." The cute boy whispers shyly.

Someone is either shy, or not used to girls..interesting..

"Of course, dear," I reply effortlessly, "I would be happy to oblige." I purred that last bit, to test the waters.

He blushed so adorably I could merely laugh at his expense.

"I was just teasing, my love," I smiled sweetly, "if you don't mind could you please specify your relationship to the head editor, he's 42 and you're like 19, what is going on here," I whisper softly not wanting to embarrass him.

"I....let's discuss that at lunch....shall we," he whispers back fidgeting with his fingers. I simply nod watching the brown haired boy lead the way.

Perhaps it isn't shyness or fear, simply inexperience....perhaps I should pay for the meal...after all I got much more than I bargained for....

(1253 words)

𝕸𝖆𝖋𝖎𝖆'𝖘 𝕲𝖎𝖗𝖑 (𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖝 𝕱𝖊𝖒𝖆𝖑𝖊 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗)Where stories live. Discover now