Chapter 13 - Back in Litchfield

Start from the beginning

                After her hair and makeup were done, which wasn’t long before there wasn’t so much that needed to be done anyway, she was a lot calmer so she decided to approach the two of them.

                “Hey,” Ruby and Taylor looked at her but she was talking to the former more. “May I borrow my girlfriend for a while? I’m just gonna need someone to practice my lines with.” She didn’t know if they noticed, but she stressed the word ‘girlfriend’ more than it was supposed to be.

                “Ahhh, sure. Go on,” answered Ruby Rose, then she looked at Taylor. “Later?” she asked, with a big grin on her face.

                “Yeah, yeah,” answered Taylor, still laughing.

                When both Laura and Taylor were far enough from Ruby Rose, Laura just sat there, still with an annoyed expression on her face.

                “Where’s your script? I thought we were gonna read lines?”

                “Changed my mind,” answered Laura without looking at her.

                Taylor just looked at Laura and saw her looking at Ruby Rose. She tried to repress her smile when she realized what was truly going on. She went in front of Laura and levelled her face with her.

                “Babe. Ruby Rose is with someone. And I’m with you. And I love you. And you’re too adorable getting all jealous,” this time she was smiling.

                “I’m not jealous,” denied Laura, still wearing that bitch face of hers.

                “Oh, okay then.” Taylor shrugged. “So, uhm, since you told me you’ve changed your mind about wanting to read lines with me, can I go back there and talk to her again?” She was wearing a toothless grin.

                “If you take that ass back in there, I am ignoring you for a week.”

                Taylor had now let out her laugh and lifted her hands up in surrender. “I was kidding.” She pulled Laura for a kiss. “I love you, babe. You’re too cute.”

                “Am I not supposed to be the hot one?” asked Laura, who was now smiling and had obviously started lightening up.


                It was Saturday morning, and Taylor was at home reading her script for the next episode of OITNB when her phone rang. She answered the phone thinking it was going to be one of the usual phone calls she got. “Hello?”

                “Hi, Taylor?”

                Taylor froze at the sound of the voice on the other end of the line. She had not heard that voice in almost five years and of all those five years, she never thought she would hear that voice again.

                “Hey, are you there?” said the voice again.

                “Taylor racked her brain searching for the right words to say. Maybe she was mistaken, though. Maybe this wasn’t what she thought it was. “Y-yeah. Who is this?”

                “It’s Pete. I hope you still remember me?” He gave out a nervous laugh.

                That’s when Taylor felt something inside her chest, thumping so violently.

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