[Flowerfell - Sunshine]

Start from the beginning

It was... unfair for such a bright girl to suffer this. She couldn't see, couldn't walk, and couldn't talk. Shaky sign language was the only way she could communicate.

He held her in his arms. "S-Sunshine, hey, st-stay with me here."

She only smiled. Flowey watched in disbelief. He knew it was inevitable. 'It's okay, Sans. You can be free now. You can see the stars, like you always wanted to.' She signed. The skeleton's eyes widened before angrily hissing, "It's not okay! I want t-to see the stars w-with you. B-But y-you're dying. That's not... that's not o-okay, Frisk!"

'That's the first time you called me Frisk. I kind of liked sunshine better.'

He only bitterly laughed, tears falling. She frowned as she felt the droplets hit her face, before reaching up and holding his in her hand.

Frisk's voice was strained and rough from the flowers, but she managed to stammer out the words. "B-Bef-fore I g-g-go," Sans held onto her tighter, as if he were afraid she'd disappear. "Don't talk to l-like that, Frisk- Sunshine!"

Flowey's eyes began to tear up too. "Frisk... you idiot, you can survive thi-"

The brunette interrupted. "R-R-emem-ember,"

"K-K-Kindne-ness is-s en-enou-ough."

Her arm stayed for another minute as Sans cried harder. "Wait- s-sunshine, n-n-no... don't... don't l-leave me. I d-didn't get to t-tell you that..."

Her arm fell down lifelessly.

Flowey bowed his head in silence.

Sans stared in horror, the tears falling faster than ever before.

"I... I d-didn't get t-to tell you that I l-love y-you... s-s-sunshine..."


You were my sunshine,

She was gone.

My only sunshine.

Sans felt empty, crying till his tears went dry. The sky seemed dark.

You made me happy,

The Echo Flowers recalled moments that Sans refused to hear. They broke him too much. Memories that once filled him with joy... they were cast out.

It was better to stay in silence.

When skies were gray.

Rain clouds rolled in the distance. Lightning struck far away, scaring all the confused and frightened monsters. Unfamiliar with this terrain, all of them stuck in a huddled group.

They had made it to the surface.

You'll never know dear,

Sans shied away from the crowd, choosing to live in seclusion with Flowey, near the mountain's entrance. There, he dwelled on his regrets, living life as an empty shell.

If only... if only he had told her in time.

How much I loved you.

Maybe she'd of kept on fighting, then. Maybe she'd be here. Maybe...

Why'd you take my sunshine away?

"Why'd you leave me..?"


Now there's no sunshine,

Living away from the rest of the world was lonely.

The forest was cold and quiet, the small cottage they had built was freezing. There seemed to be no warmth. No sunshine.

Flowey provided him company, but they didn't talk much.

The skies seemed always gray, and when it was sunny... he stayed inside.

Lost and gone sunshine.

Because the sunlight reminded him too much of her.

There is no happy,

Sans wasn't happy. He would sit in the Ruins by her grave, waiting for a reset that never came.

Now skies are always gray.

It seemed like sunshine would never come. She never did.

You'll never know dear,


How much I loved you.

His heart hurt with memories that refused to leave. He loved her, and now that she's gone... it hurts.

"I love you." He said constantly.

My sunshine, why'd you go away?

And the question he'd ask most often...

"Why'd you leave me... sunshine..?"

I'm sorry! This was a really bad chapter! ;-;

I had to rush to make one, I've been so busy with school and work...

Don't worry, I'll get back to requests soon! I'm a bit stuck on the current one, for the plot. I'll think of something.

Though, I recently had so many ideas for original oneshots! Two would be a series of them, inspired by prompts I saw.

Some of you probably will like them a lot, and I'll work on them after all requests are done, or sooner.

As for the angst in this one... :^

Flowerfell is a touchy AU.

Anyways... I had another idea! Would you guys like it if I did a QnA? I feel like you should get to know me, the author, better! And I even have some questions I wanted to ask you all.

That's all for now, stay safe! <3

-1200 words-

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