Start from the beginning

After thinking for a while Anika finally found a way "Let me re create the incidents of past 2 months. I am sure I will find something" she thought

Annirudh died in the month of june last year. The same month when we were suppose to marry.The same month when Oberoi Industry made the news of loss.The police couldn't find any evidence so they closed the case. Exactly a year later but weeks before Annirudh's first year death anniversary.We receive a parcel and we land up in Clesta. The broker worked for fred so cheated us by giving all of us a single house, coincidentally we ended up sharing the house with the people of Annirudh's family who also landed in Mumbai to investigate.

Was it really a coincidence?If I actually look back I feel slightly strange.I never wanted to go back to Annirudh's house to find the truth,I was afraid I would fall weak but then it was Shivaay who convinced me. Aarna and Ishaan clearly told they didn't expect us there. Shivaay?

After few days all four of us got closer and started planning to trap Vikram. Wait how sure were we that Vikram and the fred were involved in it? Aarna and Ishaan's mission was fred but it didn't prove that they killed Annirudh only their involvement was suspected.I intended to send Aarna and Ishaan away after getting detained by fake police but then it was again Shivaay who talked me out of this and made me believe on their theory.Later Niharika entered the scene and Shivaay started behaving strangely. He allowed himself to be used to find their real motives okay agreed then why did he experience anxiety on the night of revelation of Annirudh's identity?

Proceeding further to the day of Fred's captivity.On that day Shivaay behaved unusually weird.The calls he made and the way he reacted on being accused of leaving Annirudh even though he appeared to act, this sequence was way too realistic. Later Kavin arrived and lauded Shivaay and Ishaan.

What followed was..wait a minute. Kavin? 

Yes, he can answer my queries since Shivaay also knows him contacting him wouldn't..wait what? how on earth does Shivaay know Kavin that to very personally. Oh yeah now I remember Shivaay turned this way after getting into a heated argument with Kavin.

Kavin is a ACP and Shivaay is a businessman. Dhoor dhoor thak koi vasta nahi hei. In a year of my marriage I have never heard of Kavin ever. Then what's the connection? I need to catch Kavin because he was Annirudh's senior and also an Officer involved in investigation of Annirudh's case.


"Good Evening ACP Kavin Kothwal. I heard that ever since the blast you haven't stepped inside the office. Was worried you know so just dropped by to check on you" attempted Anika to be polite

"Good evening Mrs Oberoi that's so kind of you.Please have a seat" requested Kavin

"I..that..Annir..Shiva..." Anika found it difficult to start

"That's ok Anika I will not eat you feel free"

"How are you related to us?How do you know Shivaay?"

"Through Shahid" letting a sardonic smile he continued "Ishaan forced me to spell out the truth to you and Aarna. Even a day before his death he tried to persuade me to speak out but then I wanted to give Shivaay a chance to redeem himself. Maybe I should have just informed Aarna because Shivaay is a coward he doesn't deserve any" his talks were interrupted

"ENOUGH! that's enough officer. I asked you talk about your acquaintance with Shivaay not to give his character certificate. He is my husband I know him very well I really don't require your opinion. Please answer directly"

"Search for Shahid you will definitely find all your answers"

Anika stormed out of his place in anger. Reaching the pent house she found the Oberois waiting for her.

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