Steamboat Rescue Plan (lyttlejoe)

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Steamboat Rescue Plan

Denver had a plan worked out for the Belle

to trap it in the marsh and take it back

How it goes, time soon would tell 

when they make their surprise attack

Brody, Billy and Myna and 3Gun sat in the jail 

They worked on a plan for the steamboat Hutch 

Preventing it from helping the Belle, they couldn't fail

It only had a skeleton crew so it shouldn't take much

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They'd start out just before sunset, arrive at dusk 

Following the boat close behind 

When the Indians paddled out, they'd quickly board 

That's how the plan was designed

The Kit Kats would paddle out and get in the way 

The deputies and 3Gun would come up from behind 

climb aboard and secure them before they could say 

then search the ship and see what else they might find

(Brody's job, take over on the bridge and steer the boat to the shore 

Myna would guard the skipper and mate while Billy and 3Gun would find the illegal arms) 

A knock, they all looked up to see Bella at the door. 

A short conversation with Brody, and they discovered Josie may have come to harm. 

They weren't sure about the size of crew

so the plan had to play out by ear 

Now, with Josie gone one more thing to do. 

Brody's heart, for the girl, filled with fear.

Myna stood at the ready cleaning her knives

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Myna stood at the ready cleaning her knives. 

3 Gun asked - "Are you sure about, Lorne?"

"Sure I'm sure, just gotta come back alive."

3 Gun's look was forlorn.

This could cost him his badge or worse.

Myna just smiled and patted his arm 

He understood why Lorne was adverse.

3Gun silently swore she'd come to no harm

3Gun silently swore she'd come to no harm

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They checked all of their weapons 

Nothing to do but wait for the sun 

Get the canoes ready 

Get the job done

But before the West

can be won

"A visit to CG..." 

Said 3 Gun. 

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