Sacrificial Lamb - Summer Rain (NehpetsEnal)

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Roy and Ray are very relaxed after the ease with which they had taken possession of the Liberty Belle, mission accomplished with barely a stumble. Silencing its sentries had been achieved with little trouble. Only one of their own had a hole to show from their rumble. It seemed such a small price to pay for the dandiest boat on the river, well worth the trouble.

They had duped a runaway Rothschild. Their parents would have smiled. They quite clearly knew more about Denver, than he was aware. Sounds like he and his family may have been put in danger, by an Old Rich family rival and would need to take care.

The girls below decks were as safe as houses. Roy and Ray much preferred each other's company than that offered in whore houses. The men were professionals and knew better than to damage their master's goods, keeping tight the belts on their pants. They knew that in the right market, some of these pretty young ladies would fetch good prices, they could hear the auctioneer's chants.

 They knew that in the right market, some of these pretty young ladies would fetch good prices, they could hear the auctioneer's chants

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But this was not the high seas. Just a river and some trees. It is going to be mighty interesting finding out what they had in mind for her. It was quite clear to see there was nowhere to hide, yet they showed no fear. Cheers, and with yet another clink of their glasses.

They amused themselves by rolling the casino's dices. For them it was fun and a chance to relax as they dawdled downstream. Taking all the time in the world, just living the dream. Whilst their men came to terms with the running of a paddle steamer. They savoured the best creature comforts the Liberty Belle had to offer.

Not that Denver had a clue. He might have been more at ease had he known, but he and the team remained unaware, and they and their horses simply flew. The dynamic duos' malaise gave them the time required to reach the Salt Marshes and prepare their trap. With the help of the rigging crew, he planned for her to drift back into his lap. But he understood that getting her back was not going to be so easy for him, as it was for them to take, but from his purpose he did not sway. Consoling himself with the motto, 'That where there is a will, there is a way'.

News from Missy and the girls was mixed. And Conan's injuries were well on their way to being fixed. That was the good news was that journey back to BG was going as planned. What bad news was that, but whatever, he knew he would be damned. It most definitely was not good, because as yet, they had no sense of young Johnny's welfare. With the power of their minds they probed as hard as they dare. They had been unable to reach his subconscious. It was becoming increasingly likely he may well be dead, but nevertheless, they prayed he was only unconscious.

Denver refused to let the bad news get to him, knowing his mind, it would confuse. He satisfied himself with one thought, Jhonny and the crew he would rescue, any negative thoughts he would refuse. His heart was already burning with pain. He was relieved as he and the team were cooled by a short burst of summer rain. His mind spiraled into the past where he tasted the air of his early days. For a short while he was separated from the troubles and rode on in a blissful haze.

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