IX: Lingering Dark Cloud

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"My head feels empty. My hands feel empty. It happens all the time when my own black hole sucks all the light out of me."

"For what reason?"

"Sometimes because of the consecutive rejections. Or the fear of being worthless. Or being left behind. Most of the time, I'm not sure. It's when I stare at a void and it just comes for me and my will to live. Like, I grieve about myself, but I'm not sure what about."

"And you can't get away with it?"

"I do through writing. But there are times like this when even my mind cannot produce words. I cannot even force myself to watch something or read something for inspiration."

"A mental block?"

"More like emotion block. I can't feel anything but this lingering cloud of dark thoughts."

"I'm sorry, not even I can do anything for you."

"You're all I have right now."

"Start with that, probably. Writing about having only yourself at times like this. It does not push the persistent black hole, but it fades the pitch black."

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