"Exactly. Have you seen me? Am I really as nice as either of them?"

"Yes you're a big lovable teddy bear."

"To you. How about others?" 

"No. You're right."

"Anyways, if they message me again then we will meet up."

"Fine. Just don't get kidnapped please. I need a best friend for the rest of the year. Anyways, I have to go drop this off at Mr. Choi's class. I'll see you at lunch."

"Alright bye Kook."

Jungkook waved and headed up the stairs. He had his tutoring advertisement paper at hand. He had spent so long working on it. He hoped he got a lot of students to join him.

"Mr. Choi!" He said excitedly.

"Jungkook! What can I do for you?"

"I came to get you this. If any of your students need it I'll be glad to help."

"Thank you so much. I will use it for sure."

"I'm also going to hang some up on the hallways."

"Sounds good. I'll see you around."

Jungkook smiled excusing himself. He stopped for a brief second and looked for the bulletin board.

"Ah!" He said satisfied once he found it.

Taehyung was walking in the room while Jungkook was walking the other way. "Good morning Mr. Choi. You wanted to see me?"

"Yes." He said showing him his last test grade.

"Hmm." Taehyung said staring at the grade. It was slightly higher than the last one. He was still failing though.

"Why are you getting bad grades?"

"I hate math."

He sighed reminding himself he was a teacher and he was a student. It was quite hard to control so many raging emotions.

"You asked me a question and I answered truthfully." He added.

"Right. I see that. Well, you do know that you need to pass my class to graduate, correct?"

"Oh yeah. I'm well aware."

"I'm not here to see you fail. You need a tutor."

"That's no problem. Namjoon will—"

"A tutor that isn't your friend. I don't want him to do your work for you."

"Namjoon wouldn't—"

"Oh he so would. Lucky for you I just got this." He grinned handing him a paper.

"Kook the Tutor! Call me to set up a study appointment! I will be glad to hear your voice!"

Taehyung wrinkled his nose disgusted. The words were so big, in a bright ass neon red and too many exclamation points for his preference.

This Kook dude sounded so not cool.

"Is there any other tutors?"

"Nope. He's the only one that has actually volunteered to be a precalculus tutor. You can either take it and improve your grades or not call him and fail. It's up to you really."

"Agh. Fine. Thank you Mr. Choi." He forced himself to say.


"I need to pee." Yoongi announced getting up from the lunch table. "If you see a student walk by to throw away their food don't let them. I want it."

Jungkook nodded even though he wouldn't dare to speak up. Not for that. "Okay Yoongi. Sure."

"You better. I'm trusting you." He said giving him a look.

He nodded with a smile and as soon as he walked away he mentally told himself hell no. Then he looked down at his phone. No message from his boyfriend.

He was aware they were in two completely different time zones but it still hurt his feelings. As the time continued to change he looked away from his phone.

Maybe his significant over was sleeping. He understood that. He was so sweet and kind to him how could he not be understanding?

Yoongi was humming under his breath but then abruptly stopped himself. Why the fuck was he singing that damn 'thank-you-for-the-tip-come-back-to-get-more-ice-cream song?'

As much as he hated it you'd think he wouldn't think about it as much. On the way in he saw Jimin walking out.

Why did they did always saw each other in the bathroom?

Like usual he had a smug smirk plastered on his face. He was looking down at his phone and typing something.

Yoongi moved to the side to avoid a collision. When he stepped to the right Jimin did as well and needed up bumping into him.

He huffed as their bodies touched. Yoongi felt like he had been hit with a bag of bricks. Jimin only felt like he had hit a soft pillow.

"Sorry! I got distracted." Jimin said looking at him for two seconds and then back at his phone.

Yoongi was so amused at the fact that he had even talked to him that he didn't even say a word.

He had heard Jimin talk maybe once or twice walking down the hallway and from afar. He mainly encountered him when they were switching classes.

And not once had he ever spoken to him.

Not even when they had Earth Science class freshman year. It's not like Yoongi cared. However, now that he had said literal words to him he felt some type of way.

He cleared his throat and proceeded to walk in. The urinal was empty which Yoongi didn't mind.

After handling his business and washing his hands he walked out. Out of a habit he pulled out his phone to check it.

Tumblr notifications were normal for him. But then he suddenly saw it. A message from DEF to be specific.

The message read:
first of all where are you from?
we could be like thousands of miles away and not even know it
it's not like it would make a difference
im willing to drive just to see you face to face

Yoongi's eyes widen his face turning bright red. The fact that a person was willing to drive thousands of miles just to see him melted his heart.

Just like that he found himself smiling and texting them back.

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