🥰Thirty(final chapter)🥰

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Alec sighed and went downstairs,telling Patton what virgil said. Patton sighed and jsut kept washing the dishes. Vi looked at her little,who,at the moment,wasn't so little. She went over and picked Alec up.

"H-huh? Violet not now.."

Vi ignored alecs saying and sat him in her lap on the couch.

"I'm not trying to get you to regress,Alec. I jsut wanna talk and this is how I can get your attention.?

Alec looked to the side. What his caregiver had said was true. In or out of regression,the only way vi can get his attention is if they pick Alec up. 

"Well,what do you want to talk about..." he said,bitting his lip.

"Are you sure your not little,baby boy? You only bite your lip when your little."

Alec shook his head " I can't be little right now..vee might need me and I want to-"

"Honey you're not responsible for virgils happiness. If he's upset,yes you can cheer him up,but I don't want you coming over 24/7 so you can make sure he's not depressed. I know,your worried but you need to take care of yourself and let his boyfriends and caregivers take care of him. Alright?"

He hesitantly nodded. Vi told the group that they were going home,and soon,they left.

About two hours later,Virgil came downstairs. He was in one of Logan's hoodies and had just sweatpants on underneth it. He looked around and pulled his hood up,sitting next to Logan on the couch and hiding his face in Logan's neck.

"HeY,Virgil. How are you?"

Virgil shrugged and cuddled close. Logan put his book down on the floor,despite the issue it could be stepped on.

"Cuddle pile?"

Virgil slightly nodded.


Logan slightly smiled and moved to the corner of the couch and yelled out

"Cuddle pile with Virgil!!"

He held Virgil close and waited until Patton and Remus came downstairs and got on the couch with them,Patton with Virgil,and Remus on the other side of Logan. They stayed cuddling for a bit before Virgil just broke down in tears. What ever he was feeling,it was big. The first person he grabbed onto was Remus,witch was weird,considering he didn't usually grab him durring cuddle piles. Remus glanced ar the others as if saying "he grabbed me?" To be honest,he didn't hate it,he quiet enjoyed it. He didn't usually participate in the cuddle piles unless it was because someone was sad,but this gave him a weird since of comfort. Well,did,then Virgil switched to Logan,mumbling nonsense. They all comforted him until romans name was said. Remus already didn't like his brother as is,and now he wanted to know why the others were so pissed at him.

"Wait did I miss something? Did Roman hurt Virgil?"

Patton quietly explained everything,from where Logan hit Roman,to when Roman yelled at Patton and Virgil. If Remus was mad before,he was PISSED now. He was about to get up and beat the crap out of his brother,but Patton and Logan grabbed his arms and pulled him back into the pile. Patton and Logan always had a parent or an older sibling vibe. Remus sighed and obeyed,holding onto Logan. Currently,Remus was on Logan's left side,Patton on his right,and Virgil in the middle of them,on the verge of probably passing out if he didn't breathe,witch Logan took into consideration.

"Vee,honey I need you to breathe,alright?"

Virgil hiccuped and took a breath,switching to Patton. Still crying,Virgil mumbled out that he wants cherries. Witch confused all of them. Still,Remus got up and got a bowl of cherries with a bit of sugar on them and brought it over,handing it to Patton who used his other hand to feed Virgil them. About six cherries in,virgil stopped hyperventilating,and just a few tears fell down his cheeks. Soon after he was done,Virgil stopped crying and switched back to Logan.

" 'm sorry..." he mumbled out.

"Virgil no it's not your fault..." 

Patton said,stroking Virgils hair. Slowly,Virgil fell asleep. The pile didn't leave however. Patton fell asleep,then Logan,Remus didn't fall asleep. He slowly got up and left the house,going to Roman and janus's house,knocking on the door. Jan oppened the door,a bruise on his eyes.

"Hey Remus..." he said,not looking at him.

"Hey Jan.. is Roman home?" He asked,keeping his voice down. Janus slightly nodded and mouthed "upstairs."

"Alright...go to my place and I'll deal with him.."

Janus nodded and went past Remus,goin to his place. 

Jan oppened the door to Virgil asleep in Logan's lap,who was reading,and Patton watching tv on the other side of him.

"Oh,hey Janus!"

"H-hey patt.."

Patton noticed jan's jumpyness and got up,going over.

"Did he hurt you again...?" He asked,carefully looking over him. Janus nodded. He didn't want to admit it,but Roman could be...well..



And a lot of other things that probably weren't good.

"..Janus..I really think you should be with us..I mean,we make you happy and take care of you...so..please..?" Patton asked.

Janus slightly hesitated before nodding.

In the end,Roman left the state,Violet and Alec had to move for work reasons,and Virgil,Patton,Logan ,Remus,and Janus all lived together happily.

           The end.

Or is it...?

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