twenty two

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the next morning,virgil was up early,getting dressed by  him self. right now,he was about 5,but still puut a pull up on just in case. he packed his bag with some snacks and a sippy,and of course a paci and sophie,then he woke patton up.

"daddyyyyy wake uppppp!"

patton roled slightly then woke up.

"huh..?oh,hey kiddo.."

"wake uppppp we go park with aleccccc" he said,tugging on his sleve. Patton smiled and sat up.
"Alright alright I'm up you little cloud. " he rubbed his eyes and pit his glasses on.
"Want anyone else to go or just you and alec?"
" 'emus an logie...?"
"We'll see."
Patton got up and picked virgil up.
"What do you want for breakfast?"
"Waffles an stwawbewwies!"
Patton smiled and started cooking.
~1 hour later~
Virgil ran upstairs and climbed on Logan's bed,shaking remus and logan.
"Logieee 'emussss wake daddy made pancakessss"
He kept shaking till remus and logan opened their eyes. Remus rubbed his and  hid his face in Logan's shirt.
"Mhmn...wanna sleep more,virgie..." remus whined. Logan sighed and sat up,holding remus.
"Virgie,we'll be down soon."
"Mhmn I wanna play wit 'emusss."
"Remus is tired,stormcloud. You can play in a bit."
Virgil,having got off the bed,stomped his foot and huffed.
"Do not throw a fire this early in the morning,virgil. Remus is tired,so you can't play."
Virgil whined and stomped his feet.
"Virgil. I will not hesitate to put you in the corner." Logan said,lying remus back down and under the covers,getting down.
"No no no!!" Viegil yelled,storming down the stairs,followed by logan.

kit kats and little space(COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora