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Thank @toto2me for being the first person to give me actual feedback on my story!! I didicate this chapter to you and I will try to make this chapter more detailed.

And quick note. If I repeat a picture please let me know. I try not to so if I do I will either change it or take it off entirely. And I probably already told you this but I'm going to tell you again. Grace/Darcy is played by Selena Gomez. When she's a spy she looks like the evil Alex on that wizard show my little sister likes. Enjoy Lovies.

I lay in bed waiting for Harry to fall asleep. I know I should tell him whats going on but since he doesn't know I'm a spy, he'll want to tag along, actually scratch that, he'd want to tag along even if he did know. But, either way, if he comes I'd loose my auntie.

Quietly, I exit my room and tiptoe across the hall to Harry's room and open the door. Carefully, I walk up to him and see he was asleep so I turn around and was about to exit the room but I tripped on the rug in the middle of his floor and landed with a loud thud.

"Darcy?" Shit.

"Sorry. I just got a little scared and was going to come talk to you but then I saw you asleep and tripped on your rug on my way out and I'm sorry I woke you up. I'll just go back to sleep." I get off my butt and continue towards the door.

"No. Wait. You can sleep in here if your scared." He tells me.

"No its ok, Harry. I just needed to see that you where ok. In my dream I watched you get stabbed. Multiple times." I lie. I really just need to save my auntie. Let me leave. Please.

"No its ok. You don't have to be scared. I dont bite." He tells me as he pulls the covers over and pats the bed beside him.

"Harry. I'm ok."

"Are you sure? Its no trouble."

"I'm sure. Thank you."

"Ok. Good night Darcy."

"Goodnight Harry." I finally exit the room and make my way back to my own. Walking to my closet I enter and walk to the back where all my spy gear was safely hidden. After typing in my simple pass code, I start to change.

My black full body suit hung on the hanger on the wall as I stripped off my pajamas and changed clothes.

Then I grab my black ankle boots and zip those on as quite as possible because I don't want Harry to hear

After that, I grab my handy utility belt. I put my small pistol in its slot with a couple of knives and some handcuffs and clip that around my waist.

Not forgetting my badge and watch. My badge is just in case I run into a few people on the way and my watch includes a laser and a mini swiss army knife.

Finally, I grab my white hair extension because its cute and who doesn't like to accessorize.

Not wanting to risk using the door I carefully open the window and jump landing on my two feet.

Using my watch, I type in the address of the place that this Rodney guy is holding my auntie hostage, and use it as a GPS.

I'm runnig 10 minutes behind schedule so right know ai'm really hoping I can make it in time.

Code Styles||adopted by Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now