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Ring ring.
My phone has been going off none stop. Johnson has been trying to get ahold of me since I left his office. I check my phone to make sure I wasn't rejecting an important call and this was one of those calls. It was Mason.
<G=Grace M=Mason>
G| Hey Mason. What's up?
M| I'm in trouble. So is Harry. I need your help.
G| Does Johnson know?
M| No. If I told him, he would send some other agent to help.
G| Good point. Where are you?
M| GLC Headquarters
G| What one?
M| The one closest to Harry's flat.
G| I'm on my way.
M| Hurry!
<end of call>
After ending the call with Mason, I rush to my dorm. The majority of my stuff is at Harry's, but I have double of the certain stuff. Including my suit, utility belt, pistol, handcuffs, tazor, grappling hook, ear piece, badge and bullet proof vest.
I put on my vest followed by the suit. Not having my proper boots, I put on my black vans and hope they work. Attaching my belt around my waist, I put everything in the proper spot. I clip on the badge and put my earpiece in my left ear.
Since I'm only 14, I have to run, but the training helped us gain as much speed as we need to get there as soon as possible.
I run as fast as my long legs can carry me and make it there in around 15 minutes. Not my best, but I'm more used to running in my ankle boots.
Once I make it to the building, I use my phones spy app to find the best way in and out by taking a picture of the building. Four entrances, but only two are safe to exit. There's the front and back door and two windows. One on the second floor and one on the ninth. The window on the ninth floor is safest to get in, but dangerous to exit. The second floor window is safe to get in and out of and the doors aren't safe, but are best for people who aren't used to jumping out of windows.
I decide the second floor window is the way to go, but before entering I need to know where the guards are. Taking another picture of the building, but changing the settings to locate guards.
There's three on the second floor, eight on the first and six in the basement. I'm not worried about what's above the second floor for I won't be going up there, or at least I don't want to.
Now that I know all that, I must figure out where they're hiding Harry and Mason. They're probably in separate rooms so Mason can't get help Harry. Sadly my app can't help with that, but my knowledge on the building will. If they're stupid they'll keep Harry in the basement and Mason on the first floor, but since they're quite smart they'll put Harry on the second floor and Mason in the basement.
I'll go for Harry when we're about to exit for if I get him right away and I get caught while getting Mason, not only will I be in danger, but so will Harry and I can't have that.
Now that I know the information I need, I can go in. I grab my grappling hook and aim it at the window sill on the second floor. It gets a hold and I press the button that pulls me to the top.
I carefully pry open the window using the hook of the grappling hook and once it's open enough I reach my hand through the gap and open the window the rest of the way.
I enter the building and grab my pistol loading it and holding it up to my chest to be ready.
Quietly and quickly, I turn the corner shooting down a couple guards and cautiously walking forward making sure to watch all around me and to listen as closely as possible, so if I hear Harry, I can get out of here quicker.
"I don't understand, Mason. I thought you wanted to help me." I hear Harry's voice from behind a closed door. I walk up to the door and open it to see something I didn't expect.
There stood Mason and my Aunt holding guns in front of Harry, who was tied to a small wooden chair.
"Nice to see you, Grace." Mason smirked and took a few steps toward me. "The second chair is for you."

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